How does Captain Keller feel about Helen?
Captain Keller tells Annie that Helen must be allowed to do as she wishes at the table. In other words, he believes that everyone should humor Helen, however annoying her dinnertime habits.
How is the relationship between Captain Keller and James?
After James proves himself right and the miracle happens, the family sits together; Captain Keller’s head is inclined toward that of James, his son, for whom he has acquired the respect that James so despertely has desired. Truly, Anne Sullivan has entered the Keller home and changed the lives of all within it.
What decision is made between Helen’s teacher and Captain Keller in the Garden House?
The agreement that Helen’s teacher, Annie Sullivan, and her father, Captain Keller, come to before leaving the garden house is that Captain Keller will allow Helen and her to live together alone in a building on the property.
Why is Captain Keller called Captain?
His wife, Kate, calls him “captain” in the play. In the book The Miracle Worker Captain Keller’s first name was Arthur Keller. He was the father of Helen Keller.
Why does Helen become angry with Percy and Martha?
What causes Helen to be so frustrated in the scene with Percy and Martha? Percy bites her fingers and she feels his lips moving or Helen is poking her fingers inside Percy’s mouth, to feel his tongue; he bites at them and she jerks them away. Trying to communicate.
Why does Helen pull off Aunt Ev’s buttons?
TMW Act I: Why does Helen pull the buttons off Aunt Ev’s dress? Helen wants to use the buttons as eyes for the doll that Aunt Ev has given her.
Why does Annie want to live alone with Helen in the garden house?
Why does Annie seek out the Kellers in the garden house? She wants to request that she be allowed to live alone with Helen in order to teach her. Annie wants to be able to teach Helen using everything around them. Also, if Helen is dependent on Annie, she will have to trust her and let her touch her.
What is Annie’s greatest fear in the miracle worker?
Annie’s greatest obstacle with Helen is Helen’s parents. They have indulged Helen unmercifully because they don’t know what else to do with her. They are totally helpless to control Helen whatsoever, so they have just ignored her and tried to co-exist with her, but life is miserable and disorderly.
What reasons does Captain Keller have for refusing to contact Dr Chisholm?
TMW Act I: What reasons does Captain Keller have for refusing , at first, to contact Dr. Chisholm? Captain Keller doesn’t think any doctor can help Helen. His question reveals that he doesn’t want to get Kate’s hopes up and then have them dashed.
How does James feel toward his stepmother?
How does James feel toward his stepmother? he feels like captain keller just forgot about his mother and focused on his stepmother, kate.
What made the parents decide to finally get Helen Help?
When Helen Keller was nineteen months old, she suffered a fever which left her unable to see or hear. This inspired her parents to seek out a specialist who might be able to teach or recommend a teacher for Helen.