What is a dragon mom?

What is a dragon mom?

Dragon mothers are mothers who grieve for children who have died or are terminally ill. Dragon mothers breathe fire and scorch everything in their path.

Is Dolphin Parenting good?

The dolphin parent is the balance of these two extremes and is authoritative in nature. Like the body of the dolphin, these parents are firm yet flexible. Dolphin parents have rules and expectations but also value creativity and independence. They are collaborative and use guiding and role modeling to raise their kids.

What is a elephant mom?

The term was coined by Yale law professor Amy Chua, in her memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. According to Sindhar, elephant parents are those “who believe that they need to nurture, protect, and encourage their children, especially when they’re still impressionable and very, very young,” she wrote.

What does silky Mom mean?

In layman’s term, silky moms are the modern moms. The jargon’s origin dates back as early as 2010, where Urban Dictionary defines it as: Silky Mama: Modern mother who prefers medicated hospital birth, bottle feeding/part time breastfeeding, disposable diapers, crib sleeping, etc.

What is a chewy mom?

A “crunchy Mom” is a mother who in general terms, has chosen a more natural approach to parenting. The “Crunchy Mom” coming from the crunching of granola, a “Chewy Mom” will come from chewing the fat and deciding what tailor made solutions best work for them. …

Is a crunchy mom?

According to Urban Dictionary, ‘Crunchy Mom’ is defined as, A member of an increasingly growing group of moms who are neo-hippies. They generally believe (for varying reasons) that there is something bad or less beneficial about buying mainstream products or doing other common activities in the mainstream way.

Can you be a cool mom?

A cool mom is a confident parent. Being a cool mom is about protecting a child who is still a child while recognizing that this child is quickly maturing into a woman who needs to make choices about her life — solo. There is such a fine line here, and many parents can’t find it because they are not emotionally healthy.

What is a cool parent?

These parents tend to try to over explain, because they want their child to be on their team, on their side, in order to avoid conflict and most important they want the child happy and to view them as a ‘friend’ or ‘cool”.

What does Cool Mom mean?

Urban Dictionary defines “cool mom” as, A mother that treats her teenagers as peers by aiding, allowing, and/or encouraging them to partake in adult activities in the home that include but are not limited to drinking, drugging, and sex.

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