How can you tell the difference between hemophilia A and B?

How can you tell the difference between hemophilia A and B?

Question: Is there a major difference between hemophilia A and hemophilia B or is it slight and what is the difference? The differences between haemophilia A and B are in the factor that is missing or at a low level – haemophilia A means low levels of factor VIII (8) and haemophilia B is low levels of factor IX (9).

What causes hemophilia factor9?

Hemophilia B is caused by mutations in the F9 gene. The F9 gene is located on the X chromosome and thus is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. In about 30% of new cases of hemophilia B, the altered gene occurs spontaneously without a previous family history.

Why can’t 2 CF patients meet?

People with cystic fibrosis should never meet each other, as they carry bacteria within their lungs that could be harmful to each other.

Can people with CF have kids?

While 97-98 percent of men with cystic fibrosis are infertile, they can still enjoy normal, healthy sex lives and have biological children with the help of assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Can siblings with cystic fibrosis live together?

Unlike many organizations, cystic fibrosis support groups cannot arrange events for people with the disease to get together. Because their lungs are easily infected, it’s crucial that people with the disease are not in close contact with others who have the same diagnoses.

Is 5 feet apart based on a true story?

While Five Feet Apart isn’t exactly based on a true story, the movie was inspired by the experiences of those who have this very real disease, which affects 30,000 people in the United States and 70,000 worldwide.

Who is Dalton and Katie Prager?

A young US married couple who bonded through their shared struggles with cystic fibrosis have died within days of each other. Katie Prager, 26, died in Kentucky on Thursday, five days after the death of her husband, Dalton Prager, 25. Katie died in bed on Thursday morning, her mother wrote on Facebook.

Does Will and Stella kiss?

Tragically, Will and Stella can never kiss, hug or even hold hands. It is extremely dangerous for cystic fibrosis patients to touch each other, since they can end up catching each other’s bacteria, so Stella and Will have to stay at least six feet apart at all times.

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