How do you cite a handout in APA?

How do you cite a handout in APA?

With author information: (Date of publication). Title of the handout [Class Handout]. Name of Department, Name of School, City, Province.

How do I cite a PDF handout?

Subject code: Title of subject; Title of handout [Format]. Publisher. Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Subject code: Title of subject: Title of handout [Format].

How do you cite a lab handout in MLA?

Author’s Last Name, First Name (or Department name if no author). “Title of Document.” Date of document. Organization associated with document. Description of document (e.g., flyer, leaflet, memo or handout).

How do you cite a handout with no author MLA?

Citation description: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Document.” Description of document (e.g. flyer, leaflet, memo or handout).

How do you cite a lecture in a paper?

When citing an oral presentation, like a class lecture, give:

  1. the speaker’s name.
  2. the title of the presentation in quotation marks, if known.
  3. the name of the sponsoring organization.
  4. the date.
  5. the venue.
  6. the location. The city may be omitted if part of the venue name (e.g. Vancouver Convention Centre) (p. 50).

How do you in text cite a lecture?

Basic format to reference lecture notes

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year.
  3. Title (in italics).
  4. Description of format.
  5. Unit name and Unit code.
  6. University.
  7. Date lecture was delivered.

How do you cite a source in a presentation?

To cite your sources within a PowerPoint presentation, you can include your references or in-text citations on each slide. You can (a) provide the references verbally, (b) provide a reference list slide at the end of your presentation with corresponding in-text citations, or (c) combine these.

How do you cite a source orally?

Remember to include the following when giving an oral citation: the title, author, date and the author’s credentials or title of publication. You can use key words to develop the phrasing necessary for oral citations, such as: According to. Explains.

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