What are some freshwater herbivores?

What are some freshwater herbivores?

Typical examples of popular herbivores are Mollies, Platies or Malawi Mbuna Cichlids. They eat plants, algae, and fruits.

Are any fish herbivores?

Herbivorous fish are ones that get most of the energy that they need to survive from a plant-based diet. These fish will often have flat teeth or a beak that helps pull off algae, like some tangs, blennies, plecos, and parrotfish. …

Can dugongs attack humans?

Dugongs are highly vulnerable to human impacts, due to their life history and dependence on easily-damaged coastal seagrass beds. Additional threats include loss of and damage to seagrass beds, incidental catches in fishing nets, and captures in shark nets set to protect bathing beaches.

Are manatees and dugongs the same?

Some people mistakenly think dugongs and manatees are the exact same animal with different names. Though manatees and dugongs have a lot in common, they are different animals with distinct characteristics. Both dugongs and manatees are part of the same taxonomic order, Sirena.

Are Manatee friendly?

Manatees are calm and peaceful marine mammals that pose no danger to swimmers. In fact, they are curious animals that enjoy human interaction and are quite happy to relate with and be around humans. That’s why it’s quite common for manatees to approach swimmers or divers for a belly rub or close contact.

Is a dugong a whale?

Dugongs are large grey mammals which spend their entire lives in the sea. Dugongs swim by moving their broad whale-like tail in an up and down motion, and by use of their two flippers. They come to the surface to breathe through nostrils near the top of their snouts.

How many dugong are left?

The Persian Gulf has the second-largest dugong population in the world, inhabiting most of the southern coast, and the current population is believed to range from 5,800 to 7,300.

How many babies can a dugong have?

Female Dugongs can give birth to one calf per pregnancy and birth every 3 to 7 years over their 70-year lifespan. Young Dugongs stay with their mothers for the first few months of life. Baby dugongs are also famously cute!

Why are dugong called gentle giants?

The passage is about dugongs. They are known as gentle giants because they warm-blooded sea animals and are commonly known as sea cows. Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong’s tail is fluked like a whale’s.

How heavy is a dugong?

650 lbsAdult

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