How long do tetra fish live for?

How long do tetra fish live for?

Neon tetra fish have a longer lifespan than most aquarium fish. They are expected to live longer than 5 years. With the right environment, these fish could live for 8 to 10 years. In the wild, a neon tetra will usually live for an average of 8 years, but in an aquarium, that lifespan gets shortened to 5.

Can you put table salt in a goldfish tank?

When introducing salt to the aquarium, never use table salt that contains additives. Toxic additives and spices in table salt can be deadly to goldfish. Like all freshwater fish, goldfish can only take so much salt before it becomes harmful. When performing a salt treatment, keep an eye out for signs of stress.

What do neon tetras eat?

Neon tetras are omnivores, meaning that they will eat both plant and animal material. Fine flake food, small granules, live or frozen brine shrimp or daphnia, and frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms are all good food choices.

At what temperature does ich die?

It has been observed that temperature changes of 15o F or more above or below the temperature at which an Ich case is detected will end the disease episode regardless of the number of treatments made.

What temperature will kill marine ich?


Will 100 degrees kill Ich?

Unfortunately some strains of Ich will not be affected by temperatures of 86 degrees. In this case, 88 degrees or 90 degrees may be necessary. Without any inhabitants, the high temperature will quickly kill the ich. In the quarantine tank, increase the temperature to at least 86.

What is the lifespan of ICH?

about 3 to 6 days

Will 83 degrees kill Ich?

Raising the temp only speeds up the life cycle of the ich it does not kill it. You raise the temp to get the ich in the free swimming stage so it can be killed by meds, as long as the white spots are on the fish the ich can not be killed.

Can fish live in 86 degree water?

The Angelfish, Guppies, Mollies, and Silver Shark, will have absolutely no problems with a water temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit, or 27 degrees Celsius. As long as the water temperature does not remain above 86 degrees Fahrenheit and 30 degrees Celsius for weeks on end, you need not be concerned.

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