What is the long jump record for a 14-year-old?

What is the long jump record for a 14-year-old?

19 feet, 6 inches

How far can a 12 year old boy jump?

The standing long jump values in 11- year-old boys were 166.5±20.6 cm, and those values in girls were 157.5±20.2 cm. Standing long jump values in 12- year-old boys were 174.6±17.8 cm and they were 161.4±20.6 cm in girls.

What is a good long jump for a 12 year old boy?

found that the standing long jump values in 11- year-old boys were 166.5±20.6 cm, and those values in girls were 157.5±20.2 cm. Standing long jump values in 12- year-old boys were 174.6±17.8 cm and they were 161.4±20.6 cm in girls. The same value was 182.4±22.1 cm in 13- year-old boys and 169.6±20.6 cm for girls.

How tall can a 12 year old jump?

Average Vertical Jump for High School Athletes – jump norms

Age Vertical Jump Norms
10 years old 10.9 inches
11 years old 12.1 inches
12 years old 13.3 inches
13 years old 14.5 inches

Can you do box jumps everyday?

If you’re looking to add something new and exciting to your workout routine, look no further than box jumps. Perfect to get your heart rate up and sculpt the best looking calves out there, box jumps are one of the most efficient exercises that you could engage in every day.

How many days a week should I do box jumps?

Start with three or four sets of 10 to 20 box jumps three to four times a week, or just add them to your regular high-intensity impact training (HIIT) workouts. Here are six reasons to love box jumps: 1. They’ll give you amazing calves.

Do box jumps increase vert?

Box jumps are an excellent way to enhance explosive power, further develop strength through your lower body, improve vertical jump height, and generally improve athletic performance.

What do box jumps improve?

Explosive strength , speed strength , and vertical jumping power are the primary areas you train. In box jump training you work all of your leg muscles and strengthen your core using your own body weight. Box jumps also boost endurance and improve your cardiovascular health.

How can I practice box jumps at home?


  1. Jump on and off of the ground with both feet.
  2. Track your (bent) knees over your toes.
  3. Land with your feet flat, at least hips distance apart, with bent knees in a squat position.
  4. Use your arms to help lift you off the ground.
  5. Brace your core. (This is the most important step!)

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