How does trekking cause environmental issues?

How does trekking cause environmental issues?

We all know the long term effects of soil erosion which causes unnatural degradation of the mountains and even causes landslides and rockfalls. Widening of trail and destruction of plants due to trampling. Trekking causes trampling and it causes to widen the trail, create multiple trails and also increase soil erosion.

What is the impact of tourism on the Himalayas?

Extensive deforestation in the mountain range has caused flooding in the lowlands, while pollution from vehicles is increasing and waste left by trekkers is sometimes left unchecked. As a result, researchers are warning that the area’s rich biodiversity is under serious threat, with some species now facing extinction.

What is the purpose of trekking?

One of the major benefits of trekking is that it improves your physical health immensely. Spending multiple hours on the trail, climbing around boulders, rock hopping and ascending hills gives your whole body a workout, improving your strength, agility and cardio fitness.

Why is life in the mountains difficult?

Living on the peaks of the world’s highest mountains is a tough challenge. At high altitudes the sunlight is intense, cold winds buffet you from every direction, and it’s difficult to even breathe because there is so little oxygen in the air. But despite these extreme conditions, life endures.

Why is it dangerous to live near a mountain?

Mountains are hazardous places. Many mountain communities live under the threat of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused by shifting tectonic plates. Gravity pushing down on sloping land compounds the destructive power of storms and heavy rains, producing avalanches, landslides and floods.

How do mountains affect human life?

Mountains aren’t just a sight to behold—they cover 22 percent of the planet’s land surface and provide habitat for plants, animals and about 1 billion human beings. The vital landforms also supply critical resources such as fresh water, food and even renewable energy.

What are the benefits of mountains?

Why are mountains important?

  • They provide us with water. Fresh water is vital for our survival.
  • They provide natural resources. Thanks to mountain ecosystems we can obtain numerous materials, such as wood, basic food or drinking water.
  • Natural biodiversity refuges.
  • They provide resilience against climate change.

What are the four importance of mountains?

The Importance of Mountains Mountains are particularly important for their biodiversity, water, clean air, research, cultural diversity, leisure, landscape and spiritual values.

Why are mountains so important?

Mountains play a significant role in providing water and food supply to the millions of people in the world. Mountains cover around 22 percent of the surface of the earth and 13 percent of the world’s population live in the mountains. Mountains offer 60-80 percent of the world’s freshwater. …

What are the uses of mountains?

  • Climbers and tourists visit them for the scenery.
  • Farmers graze their animals on them.
  • Water authorities make reservoirs and pump the water to towns and cities.
  • Forestry companies grow coniferous forests and harvest wood on them.

What are the benefits of mountains Class 9?

Mountains are useful to man in the following manner:

  • They are storehouses of water.
  • Water present in the mountains is ideal for agriculture and irrigation purposes.
  • They have rich variety of flora and fauna.
  • The forests provide fuel, fodder, shelter and other products.

What is the importance of mountains Class 9?

The fertile land of river valleys and slopes of mountains are used for farming. Mountains are home to many varieties of flora and fauna. The forests in the mountains provide us with fuel, fodder, food, medicines and with many products like gum, honey and raisins.

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