When was janmashtami 1940?

When was janmashtami 1940?

JANMASHTAMI Date / KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI Date List from 1940 to 1959 :

Year : Date : Tithi :
1940 August 26, 1940 ( Ashtami – Krishna Paksha )
1941 August 15, 1941 ( Ashtami – Krishna Paksha )
1942 September 03, 1942 ( Ashtami – Krishna Paksha )
1943 August 23, 1943 ( Ashtami – Krishna Paksha )

Which flower does Lord Krishna likes?

As Lord Krishna is the avatar of Lord Vishnu, he is fond of every luxury and class. Aromatic flowers like jasmine, mogra, tuberose, etc. are his favourite flower. While decorating the ‘Jhula’ for little Krishna, use these flowers.

Which God is prayed on Wednesday?

Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Vithal, which is a manifestation of the Vishnu or his avatar, Krishna. This day is considered very auspicious to start new ventures and people offer Tulsi leaves for worshipping the respective Lord.

How can I pray to Krishna at home?

Take more water and say “Om anantaya namaha” and drink. Last mantra “Om Govindaya namaha” and drink, then put water on both hands and dry them. Apply sandalwood paste on Lord Krishna’s idol. Begin chanting the prayer shubham karoti kalyanam and light the diya.

How can I get Krishna blessing?

The ideal time to chant Krishna mantra is Brahma Muhurat between 4 am and 6 am. Take bath early in the morning. Take bath and sit in front of a picture of Lord Krishna. Chant the chosen mantra in multiples of 108 times keeping count with a Tulsi mala.

How can I impress Krishna?

Om Sri Krishnah sharanam namah: This chant is a call to the beloved Lord Krishna where you pray to him to take you under his shelter, surrendering yourself to him with utmost devotion. This mantra is said to take away all the grief and miseries from your life and mind, giving you peace.

What makes Krishna happy?

Krishna is pleased by devotion. Krishna says, “Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me, and offer your homage to Me.” ‘Worship Me’ means, whatever makes you happy is my happiness. ‘Offer homage to Me’, means we want to see the whole world offering homage to Krishna.

Does Krishna get angry?

Of course Krishna gets angry. However, effects of anger on Him are not the same as effects of anger on us, illusioned beings. In the previous verse Krishna says that anger comes from lust and the same principle applies there, too – Krishna is not affected by lust the same way we are.

Who Krishna loved most?


What makes Lord Krishna angry?

Krishna became angry with the serpent Kaliya for poisoning the waters of the Yamuna and causing the death of His dear cows and friends; He became angry in His form of Lord Narsimhadeva and killed Hiranyakashipu who was torturing his own son, Prahlada, whose only fault was that he was a pure devotee of God.

Which demons did Krishna kill?

In Hindu mythology, Keshi (Sanskrit: केशी; Keśi, nominative singular masculine from the root Keśin, literally “long haired”) is the horse-demon, killed by Krishna, an avatar of the god Vishnu. The demon was dispatched by Krishna’s evil uncle Kamsa, who was destined to die at Krishna’s hands.

Who defeated Krishna?

Kalayavana. Kālayavana (Sanskrit: कालयवन, lit. death amongst decendants of Turvasu) was a king who invaded Mathurā with an army of three million yavanas against Sri Krishna.

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