Who cursed Shiva as linga?
The Great Lord Shiva is worshipped as in the form of ‘Shivling’ in every temple. Shivling represents the symbol of fertility. The reason behind worshipping Shiva as Shivling, is that, Sages of Daru Forest has cursed Shiva.
What is a lingam and yoni?
In Shaivite temples the lingam is often at the centre, surrounded by murtis (sacred images of deities). In contrast to the latter, the lingam is distinctively aniconic. It is a smooth cylindrical mass. Often it rests in the centre of a lipped, disk-shaped object, the yoni, which is an emblem of the goddess Shakti.
What is a woman’s yoni?
Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb, and the female organs of generation. It also connotes the female sexual organs such as “vagina”, “vulva”, and “uterus”, or alternatively to “origin, abode, or source” of anything in other contexts.
Why do we pour milk on shivling?
In order to calm Shiva, he is offered soothing ingredients like milk and honey. To soothe his throat, ingredients like honey, milk and curd are offered on the shivling. There is also a reason why people stay awake on Shivratri. After Lord Shiva drank the venom, gods were advised to keep him awake during the night.
Can we drink shivling water?
Although one can offer coconuts to Lord Shiva, you cannot worship Shivling with coconut water. It might sound strange but the reason is everything offered to the lord is considered as nirmalaya and are forbidden from being consumed.
Is it OK to keep shivling at home?
Do I have to do Nitya Pooja if i have shiv ling at my abode? No, Shastra said Nitya (everyday worship) Pooja should be done to SHIVA. These are all creations of ignorants. So, SHIVA Linga can be kept in the house and can be worshiped according to one’s capacity.
Where should Shiva statue be placed at home?
As per the vastu, the best placement of Shiva can be the northeast corner of your home. This is also considered as the ideal location for setting up a pooja room as this corner is known as the ‘ishan corner’.
In which direction shivling should be kept?
Keeping the Shivling in the north direction of the house has great benefits. It is said that if money is coming and going, then to control it, keep Shivling in the north direction of the house. Keep in mind that the Shivling should not be larger than a quarter of an inch.