Why do we celebrate Makar Sankranti on 15th January?
According to astrology, this is the day when the day of the gods begin, from the time of Makar Sankranti. When the Sun enters the Capricorn, it marks the beginning of the festival. According to the Hindu calendar, there is an auspicious time when Sankranti begins which is at 7:15 a.m. and will continue till 5:46 p.m.
Does Makar Sankranti date change?
Makar Sankranti is one of the few ancient Indian festivals that has been observed according to solar cycles, while most festivals are set by the lunar cycle of the lunisolar Hindu calendar. As a result, it can fall on different date of the Hindu calendar each year.
How did Sankranti came?
12 Sankranti days are said to be highly promising as the Sun moves from one constellation to another. The Sun starts to travel in the north direction from Makar Sankranti. The movement of the Sun toward the north direction is called Uttarayana.
Is Sankranti good or bad?
Makar Sankranti is one of the most auspicious days of the Hindu calendar and is dedicated to diety Surya (Sun). The festival falls in mid-January, marking the end of the harsh winter season and the beginning of the harvest season. Most festivals fall according to the Hindu calendar.
Why do we fly kites on Makar Sankranti?
Colourful kites adorn the sky from the morning of Makar Sankranti. According to some beliefs, the tradition of kite flying on Makar Sankranti is being carried out so that people are exposed to the sun rays. Sunning is believed to get rid of the skin infections and illnesses associated with winter.
What should not be done on Makar Sankranti?
Things To Avoid On Makar Sankranti People need to avoid consuming non-veg dishes, alcohol, cigarettes, gutka and any other intoxicants. Consuming garlic, onions and any other inauspicious food is strictly prohibited.
Is it necessary to Bath on Makar Sankranti?
Makar Sankranti is known as the major festival in terms of religious and spiritual form. Since, this day many religious works are performed, so, the importance of bathing increases. The entry of sun in Capricorn sign increases the entity and property of sun which enters in our body through the sun rays.
Should we wash hair on Sankranti?
Keep yourself away from any kind of intoxication such as cigarettes, alcohol, gutka etc. Also, do not consume spicy food. Consuming sesame and moong dal khichdi on this day is considered good. Women should avoid washing hair.