What are examples of special stains?

What are examples of special stains?

Special Stains

  • Massons Trichrome. The trichrome stain helps to highlight the supporting collagenous stroma in sections from a variety of organs.
  • Verhoff’s Elastic Stain.
  • Reticulin Stain.
  • Giemsa Stain.

What is a special stain in microbiology?

Special staining is performed to visualize selected tissue elements, entities and microorganisms. Based on classical dye staining methods, special stains technique provide valuable information in the evaluation of numerous abnormal or disease conditions.

Why is special stain important?

Why do we use special stains? Routine H&E staining remains the cornerstone of histological tissue examination. This stain is important for providing detail of tissue and cell structure, as well as differentiation of cellular constituents, especially the cytoplasm and nucleus.

What are the three types of stains?

Stains can be classified into the following types, depending upon its chemical nature and the type of staining methods. Based on chemical nature: There are three kinds of stain, acidic, basic and neutral, depending upon the chemical nature of the stain. Based on the staining method: There are four kinds of stain, viz.

Which stains are used in histology?

4.2 Important Histological Stains Used in the Past and Present

  • Carmine.
  • Hematin and Hematoxylin.
  • Silver Nitrate.
  • The Hematoxylin and Eosin Procedures.
  • Romanowsky Stains–Giemsa Stains.
  • Gram Stain.
  • Trichrome Stains.

What are histology results?

A histopathology report describes the tissue that has been sent for examination and the features of what the cancer looks like under the microscope. A histopathology report is sometimes called a biopsy report or a pathology report.

How is histology used to diagnose a disease?

They can reach a diagnosis by examining a small piece of tissue from the skin, liver, kidney or other organ. This is called a biopsy. They examine the tissue carefully under a microscope, looking for changes in cells that might explain what is causing a patient’s illness.

How long does a histology report take?

It takes around two weeks to get the results for both tests, if you don’t receive the results in over two weeks, it is best to chance this up with your doctor.

How do you write a histology report?

What information does a pathology report usually include?

  1. Patient information: Name, birth date, biopsy date.
  2. Gross description: Color, weight, and size of tissue as seen by the naked eye.
  3. Microscopic description: How the sample looks under the microscope and how it compares with normal cells.

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