Which activity occurred during the Golden Age of Muslim culture?

Which activity occurred during the Golden Age of Muslim culture?

Scientists advanced the fields of algebra, calculus, geometry, chemistry, biology, medicine, and astronomy. Many forms of art flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, including ceramics, metalwork, textiles, illuminated manuscripts, woodwork, and calligraphy.

What contributions did the scholars of the Islamic Golden Age make to world history?

The Abbasid Caliphate becomes a center of learning from the 9th to the 13th centuries, collecting the knowledge of India, China and ancient Greece while also making significant new contributions to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, medicine and geography.

Which idea was originated by a Muslim scholar during the Islamic Golden Age?


Why is the Islamic golden age important?

Caliphs built and established Baghdad as the hub of the Abbasid Caliphate. Scholars living in Baghdad translated Greek texts and made scientific discoveries—which is why this era, from the seventh to thirteenth centuries CE, is named the Golden Age of Islam.

Who is the first doctor in Islam?

Sahabi, who was the first Physician in Islam.

What was the first hospital ever?

Some believe the earliest dedicated hospitals were in Mesopotamia, while other researchers believe they were at Buddhist monasteries in India and Sri Lanka. Ancient writings indicate that the Sinhalese King Pandukabhaya had hospitals built in present day Sri Lanka in the 4th century BC.

Who was the first nurse?

Florence Nightingale

Who is the most famous nurse in the world?

Who was the first female nurse in the world?

Who was the first black nurse in the world?

Mary Eliza Mahoney

Why black nurses are needed?

Black nurses are essential to the provision of health care services and influential in the development of models of care that deal with the unique needs of the black population. This is not to say that outright racism has prevented nurses of color from moving up, necessarily.

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