formal education and social inclusion processes

La educación formal y los procesos de inclusión social

Since the beginning of the process of schooling universal and compulsory in Spain, makes just 200 years, a central goal of the school institution has been to achieve the skills all children to achieve their integration in the society. To achieve schooling in total has been a huge effort of the whole society, which has had queatender the major economic constraints of such company and also vencerdiversas social resistance. These resistors have been derived from the classes high, who saw no need to invest too much in the education of lasclases social low, and also their own lower classes, which they considered to waive the contribution of children to the family economy.

It is not surprising that the schooling a complete failure in reality until the end of the sixties of the last century. Now, even this objective is achieved, surface important issues that put into question the real contribution of the school to the consolidation of a democratic society. On the one hand, school failure is still somewhat too high, which indicates that around 30% of students do not reach the minimum objectives expected. On the other hand, the school does not seem to guarantee the equality of opportunities that is based on their social legitimacy. The social class and cultural remains a factor strongly predictive of academic success, which raises the question of meritocracy and social mobility.

If we want a school that actually contributes to the growth and consolidation of a democratic society, it seems necessary to reflect rigorously on the current problems. Following an approach that is increasingly hearing among education professionals and among citizens in general, perhaps esllegado the time to overcome the axis formed by the equality of opportunities and meritocracy, and pass to another in which the principal performs the processes of inclusion. Only to the extent that the school break the vicious circle formed by the social exclusion and school failure, which they feed very harmful, we can aspire to a society in which the demand for freedom, equality and solidarity is something more than empty rhetoric.

This number is intended, therefore, to reflect on the processes of exclusion and inclusion,adopting a global approach on the whole education system without renouncing to enter in the analysis of more concrete aspects. The economism that prevailed in our political life, and the exaltation of the excellence understood in a very restrictive and at the same time elitist, make it difficult to seriously address a school model focused on social inclusion and in the formation of democracy. This last, however, is the most appropriate strategy to initiate effective resolution of the current problems of education.


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1. What is the role of education, provide values oformar workers?

2. The limitations of the process of inclusion: abandonment,failure, disobedience

3. Is it cost-effective education?

4. The limitations of expenditure on education: who benefits from

5. Public investment in education in Spain: diagnósticoy priorities.

6. The democratic schools

7. Learning communities

8. What really happens in the classroom

9. Bibliography

Open Platform

1. About the outputs of the crisis

2. Austerity and changes in social policy and social work

3. The cuts in the Welfare State of the Uk and its impact on the most vulnerable sectors


1. Diagnosis and strategy: Caritas facing the crisis and the National Reform Programme Spain 2011.

Book Reviews

1. Cope with the disability, ageing and dependency.

2. Policies of migration control. Comparative study of Spain and the united States.

3. Waste. The scandal of the global food.


About Documentation Social

Journal of Social Studies and Applied Sociology is dedicated to analysis monographs. Since 1957 offers monographic subjects which combine theory and practice, and where inequality and exclusion are the coordinates present in your content. It is a means that gives us to know, describe to us the routes and processes of social intervention.

Documentation Social magazine “Social Studies and Applied Sociology” is at the service of the people, groups, institutions, movements, etc, that are committed to act against exclusion and to create the conditions for a society with new values, where the person is recognised as such. Corporate documentation has a statement of ethics and of good practice.

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