What describes Stanley Yelnats?
Stanley Yelnats is a shy, awkward and overweight boy who comes from an overprotective family. He often lacks courage and self-confidence. Stanley has a dry sense of humor and sees the positive in unfortunate situations. During his time at the detention center, Stanley develops a stronger sense of self-identity.
How is Stanley presented in holes?
The novel’s protagonist, Stanley is an overweight kid with a lot of bad luck. He is convicted of a crime he did not commit and is sent to the Camp Green Lake juvenile detention center. Through his experience at the hellish Camp Green Lake he becomes physically stronger and more self-confident.
What are 5 character traits of Stanley Yelnats?
Here are five of them: Stanley has a strong belief that his family is chronically unlucky, and believes that the source of this misfortune is a curse that was placed on his “no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather,” Elya Yelnats.
What is special about Stanley’s name in holes?
His last name is his first name spelled backwards. He has every letter of the alphabet in his name.
Why did they kill Sam?
He was a professor of psychology and the husband of Annalise Keating for over 20 years until his death. Sam had an affair with Lila Stangard, and then had her killed by Frank Delfino after she got pregnant so it wouldn’t come to light.
Does Sam turn evil?
It is revealed that drinking demon blood makes Sam’s powers grow stronger while at the same time making him “cold” and “arrogant”. Sam eventually becomes addicted to demon blood, a fact that Dean soon discovers.
Does Sam ever get his soul?
Dean learns a lesson from Death, and it give Sam back his life — we hope.
Does Sam know he doesn’t have a soul?
Following directly from last week’s episode, this week Sam awakes tied to a chair and is questioned by Dean and Castiel. Castiel examines Sam and discovers he has no soul and is incapable of feeling any emotion.
Does Ellen and Jo die again?
After Jo dies in her arms, Ellen blows up the building, killing the hellhounds and herself in the process. The angel Balthazar changes history in the sixth-season episode “My Heart Will Go On” so that the Titanic never sank, Ellen is restored to life, and is married to Bobby.
Does Sam break the wall in his mind?
In order to detour Dean, he breaks down the wall inside Sam’s mind and Sam goes into a coma. Sam does wake from his coma, and comes to Dean’s rescue. Sam stabs Castiel only to find out that Angel Blade doesn’t work on him.
Does Castiel kiss Dean?
Fans disappointed Dean and Castiel didn’t kiss While fans were overjoyed that Castiel admitted his feelings to Dean in episode 18, viewers couldn’t hide their disappointment on social media that the two didn’t kiss before Castiel appeared to be killed off.
Is Castiel a real angel?
There is not an angel named Castiel but there is one named Cassiel. Cassiel is an archangel. He was cast out of heaven to Earth just after the archangel Lucifer.