What size header do I need for a 12 foot garage door?

What size header do I need for a 12 foot garage door?

The header itself should be nine inches wider than the door. The rough opening’s width should be three inches longer than the door, measured between the left and right edges. So, in a 12-foot wide garage door, the rough opening will be 15 inches wide.

How many jack studs do I need for a garage door header?

7 Jack and King Studs. The number of jack and king studs installed on each side of a header shall comply with Table R603. 7(1). King, jack and cripple studs shall be of the same dimension and thickness as the adjacent wall studs.

How long should a garage door header be?

Adding up the four trimmers and both side jambs plus the width of the door will give you the header length. For a 16′ door the length would be 16′ 9″s. The header height using this method is 1 1/2″s higher than the door, from the concrete floor.

What size header do I need for an 8 foot garage door?

The old rule of thumb is 1″ height of header for every foot of width. With an 8 foot span you should use double studs (jack studs) on each side to support it.

What is the maximum span of a 2X6 header?

How long can a 2×6 header span?

Header Size Maximum Span Number of Trimmers
Double 2×6 4 ft., 0 in. One
Double 2×8 5 ft., 0 in. Two
Double 2×10 6 ft., 2 in. Two
Double 2×12 7 ft., 1 in. Two

What size header do I need for a 20 foot span?

In that case, you need something like a 12-16″ GLULAM or LVL to span the 20′ and can use simple 2×8-10 dimensional lumber 16″OC as floor joists.

How far can a header span without support?

How far can a 2×12 header span without support? When supporting joists that span 12 feet with no overhang beyond the beam, a double ply beam can span in feet a value equal to its depth in inches. A double 2×12 beam can span 12 feet; a (2) 2×10 can span 10 feet and so on.

How far can 3 2×6 header span?

For normal deck loads, a triple 2×6 beam over a span of 10′ feet should be enough. The maximum span is 9′ feet for a single 2×6 #2btr yellow pine.

How far can 3 2X8 header span?

Dimensional Lumber Deck Beam Span Chart

Joist Spans
Southern Pine 3-2X8 9′-3″
3-2X10 11′-0″
3-2X12 13′-0″
Douglas Fir-Larch, Hem-Fir, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Redwood, Cedars, Ponderosa Pine, Red Pine 3X6 OR 2-2X6 4′-5″

How far can a triple 2X8 beam span?

In general terms, joists spaced 16 inches on center can span 1.5 times in feet their depth in inches. A 2×8 up to 12 feet; 2×10 to 15 feet and 2×12 to 18 feet.

What is the maximum span for a 4×6 header?

Obviously, the larger the beam, the greater the distance it can span between posts. A Redwood 4×6 beam should span no more than 6′ between supporting posts.

How much can a 4×6 support horizontally?

Assuming it’s “Lodgepole Pine” (Idaho Pine and Ponderosa Pine is slightly less) and it’s grade is a No. 2 and better (no loose or missing knotholes), then a 4×6 spanning 18′ will support about 105 lbs.

Should I use 4×4 or 6×6 deck posts?

While there may be a handful of circumstances that only require the minimum 4×4 deck post, you will more than likely want to choose a 6×6 post for the deck. It provides more stability for larger decks, the ability to hold a heavier load, and more room for notching.

How much load can a 4×6 post support?

The load capacity of a 3-foot #2 grade 4×4 is 17,426 pounds, and a similar 6×6 is 20,834 pounds or 16% better. However, an 8-foot 4×4 supports 6468-pounds and 2339-pounds at 14-feet, while a 6×6 is 18032 and 10550-pounds respectively – or 64% and 78% more load capacity.

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