Is CCAF a real degree?

Is CCAF a real degree?

The CCAF is a federally-chartered degree-granting institution accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. This makes the CCAF the world’s largest community college system. The CCAF annually awards over 22,000 AAS degrees from 71 degree programs.

Why should I get my CCAF?

There are many benefits to earning a CCAF degree that open doors to opportunities while serving in the military and in civilian life. CCAF programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and theoretical background to improve performance as technicians and noncommissioned officers.

Is the Community College of the Air Force regionally accredited?

The Community College of the Air Force is a federally-chartered degree-granting institution that serves the United States Air Force’s enlisted total force. Air University achieved regional accreditation in 2004. …

How many CCAF credits do you need for ALS?

9 semester hours

What credits do you earn from ALS?

Students who complete ALS earn 9 Community College of the Air Force credits by completing 189 hours of Course Foundation, Professional Airman, and Supervisory Concepts, in addition to various Communication Assignments and Drill & Ceremony.

Does ALS count towards CCAF?

The Airman Leadership School is a 24-day course, with 192 hours of primarily guided discussion classroom methodology, experiential exercises, and case study. The Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) grants 9 semester hours for course completion. ALS is no exception. …

How do you prepare for ALS?

Preparing for Advanced Life Support (ALS) Course

  1. recognize and treat the deteriorating patient using a structured ABCDE approach;
  2. deliver standardized CPR in adults;
  3. manage a cardiac arrest by working with a multidisciplinary team in an emergency situation;

Do you get a ribbon for ALS?

When any Airman graduates from ALS, they receive an NCO Development Ribbon. Awards have also been presented to distinguished ALS graduates including a Leadership Award, Distinguished Graduate Award, Academic Achievement Award, and the John Levitow Award (see below).

What does ALS mean in the Air Force?

Airmen Leadership School

What do you learn in ALS Air Force?

It is the first professional military education that enlisted Air Force members encounter. ALS focuses on developing leadership abilities, the profession of arms, and building effective communication.

How long is the NCO Academy Air Force?

The Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy (AFSNCOA) is a resident CCAF-affiliated program that consists of 200 classroom hours. The curriculum prepares SNCOs for increased leadership responsibilities in the joint, combined, and inter-agency operating/strategic environment.

How do you beat levitow?

The John Levitow Award is the highest honor presented to a graduate of Air Force Enlisted Professional Military Education (PME), including Airman Leadership School, NCO Academy, and the Senior NCO Academy. To be eligible for the award, a graduate must rank in the top 1% of his or her class.

What is the Levitow Award?

Medal of Honor

What is the Levitow Award NCOA?

Levitow Award, the highest award for enlisted professional military education in the Air Force, is presented to the student who demonstrates the most outstanding leadership and scholastic achievement in Airman Leadership School, the NCOA and the Senior NCOA.

What is the profession of arms Air Force?

Air Force Profession of Arms: A vocation comprised of experts in the design, generation, support and application of global vigilance, global reach and global power serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the Constitution and accountable to the American people.

What is warrior ethos AF?

WARRIOR ETHOS AS AIRMEN AND CITIZENS. Warrior ethos is the embodiment of the warrior spirit: tough mindedness, tireless motivation, an. unceasing vigilance, a willingness to sacrifice one’s life for the country, if necessary, and a commitment. to be the world’s premier air, space and cyberspace force1.

What is warrior ethos army?

The Army Warrior Ethos states, “I will always place the mission first, I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, and I will never leave a fallen comrade.” The Warrior Ethos is a set of principles by which every Soldier lives. They will learn that the Army’s culture is one of selfless service and teamwork.

What is the Little Blue Book Air Force?

“As Airmen, we are charged with upholding a culture founded on professionalism, dignity and respect – that’s what our core values are about.” The original 1997 “United States Air Force Core Values” handbook (aka the “Little Blue Book”) was published to introduce the Air Force core values to the Air Force.

What replaced the little brown book in the Air Force?

The AFH1 app includes the “The Air Force Handbook 1,” and study guide, as well as Air Force Instruction 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, known as the “The Little Brown Book.” There is also access to the “The Little Blue Book” which focuses on the profession of arms.

What are the physical requirements to be in the Air Force?

Enlistees failing to meet either: 1) aerobic fitness standards of: 1.5 mile run times of 18:30 for males, 21:35 for females, or 2) body composition standards of: Maximum abdominal circumference of 39.0 inches male, 35.5 inches female or maximum body fat of 20% for males, 28% for females upon arrival at BMT are deemed …

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