abortion debate

El aborto, a debate

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Abortion, debate. This is the title of a book recently published in EUNSA, written by professor Alejandro Navas. “Few issues such as this have the ability to polarize both the public opinion. All in all, the debate can be stated purely in terms of rational and there is no reason to ascribe the defense of life, to the right and abortion on the left,” he says.

Professor Navas analyzes in the volume of the main keys on this phenomenon, which is now full following the approval by the Spanish Government of a proposal to amend the abortion law of 2010. As well, mentions that thinkers, atheists and left, as Gustavo Bueno or Norberto Bobbio, oppose abortion, like the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. “Similarly, we find positions pro-abortion forces on the political right,” he says.

Underscores the professor of the University of Navarra that “more important than the confrontation purely political it seems to me the cultural debate. Certain traits of the modern western culture –added – to promote the culture of death: freedom understood as emancipation, as the release of all kinds of ties; and science and technology are seen as instruments of power –knowledge is power-“.

However, Alejandro Navas ensures that, although “the culture of death has achieved a remarkable diffusion -abortion is the leading cause of death in the world,“ the climate of public opinion starts to change: “From a couple of years ago, the survey carried out annually by Gallup in the united States indicates that the pro-life outnumber the supporters of abortion. The survey of may 2013 reflected that the first few account for 48% while the seconds, the 45%”. What will happen with Spain?1


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In the following links hazteoir.org you can read more about around the thesis of the book of Alejandro Navas:

  • From Sociology: “abortion is a business: with money at stake, the ethical barriers yield” (24/02/2014)
  • “When there is a lot of money at stake, the legal barriers and moral in front of the abortion easily fall” (12/05/2014)

Review about the author

El aborto, a debate

Alejandro Navas is Licensed and Doctor in Philosophy by the University of Navarra. He was dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra from 1990 to 1996 and director of the Public Communications Department from 1999 to 2005.

In addition to his teaching in Sociology and Sociological Thinking is responsible for the seminar on Communication and Health and organizer of the sessions on Trauma and Journalism. He has taught in the Master in Political Communication and Corporate of the Faculty of Communication and in the Master of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, both at the University of Navarra. Also, every summer she develops her teaching work in various faculties of Communication of South America (Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, etc).

Has developed some research for the Government of Navarra. He was a member of the team that investigates The structures of social cohesion in Navarra(1998-2000), and participated in the elaboration of the study on The treatment information in the media of people in situation or risk of exclusion, both for the ministry of Social Welfare, Sport and Youth. He also highlights his position as advisor to the Government of Navarra in the development of the inter-Departmental Plan to support the family (2000-2002).

Is a regular contributor to the Opinion section of the Diario de Navarra, and other newspapers and featured as a Herald of Aragon. With a long track record of publications in academic journals and collaborations in collective works, in which he analyzes the situation from a sociological point of view. Some of his latest publications are: “gender Ideology and public opinion: a hypothesis” (2008), “abortion in the media” (2008), “New technologies and culture: can access without limits? (2007), “do We have the tv we deserve?” (2006). He is the author of the book ” The sociological theory of Niklas Luhmann, the theme of the work of his doctoral thesis.

The education that he received from the children at the German School of Madrid has marked his professional career and he has become an expert knower of the language and German culture, which continues to expand with trips normal that takes place every year in Germany and neighbouring countries


  1. Original text of this review published on 28 February 2014 by Alchavida in http://es.paperblog.com/el-aborto-a-debate-2455082/ [↩]

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