Am I eligible for unemployment benefits for a day in a month if I am furloughed for that day?
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Unemployment benefits are determined on a weekly basis. As a general rule, people who normally work full-time whose hours of work are reduced by one work day in a week will not be eligible for benefits – they still earn too much in that week to be eligible.
Estimate your weekly unemployment benefit amount, then use the earnings deduction chart to see if the one-day reduction in your gross pay makes you eligible for any benefits.
We decide eligibility on a case-by-case basis. Anyone has a right to file an application for benefits and claim weekly benefits. When we have all the facts we determine eligibility.
How do I file an unemployment benefits claim in Washington state if I did not work there?
You cannot file a Washington state unemployment claim if you did not work in Washington during the base year. The only exceptions to this rule are if you were in the military or worked for the federal government.
To file an unemployment claim, you must file your claim with one of the state(s) where you worked in the last two years. Contact each state where you worked to find out your claim options for those states.
How can I receive unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 crisis?
To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. Depending on the state, claims may be filed in person, by telephone, or online.
How do I file an appeal on my unemployment benefits claim?
Your appeal must be in writing and postmarked or faxed to the address or fax number listed on the written decision within 30 days after the date we mailed it to you.
Who should wear a medical mask during the COVID-19 pandemic?
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Does wearing a mask mean you can have close contact with people during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Wearing a mask does not mean you can have close contact with people. For indoor public settings such as busy shopping centres, religious buildings, restaurants, schools and public transport, you should wear a mask if you cannot maintain physical distance from others.