Are all combatants required to follow the Geneva Convention?

Are all combatants required to follow the Geneva Convention?

After a “competent tribunal” has determined that an individual is not a lawful combatant, the “detaining power” may choose to accord the individual the rights and privileges of a prisoner of war as described in the Third Geneva Convention, but is not required to do so.

Does the Geneva Convention apply to riots?

It does not apply to internal disturbances such as riots, demonstrations and isolated acts of violence.

Who does the Geneva Convention apply to?

The Geneva Conventions apply in all cases of declared war, or in any other armed conflict between nations. They also apply in cases where a nation is partially or totally occupied by soldiers of another nation, even when there is no armed resistance to that occupation.

Is Geneva Convention applicable without war?

The Geneva Conventions are rules that apply only in times of armed conflict and seek to protect people who are not or are no longer taking part in hostilities; these include the sick and wounded of armed forces on the field, wounded, sick, and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea, prisoners of war, and civilians.

What is banned in the Geneva Convention?

It prohibits the use of “asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices” and “bacteriological methods of warfare”. This is now understood to be a general prohibition on chemical weapons and biological weapons, but has nothing to say about production, storage or transfer.

Can you shoot a medic in war?

In Real Life war, medics are supposed to be special: The Laws and Customs of War, specifically the Geneva Convention, dictate that medical personnel are non-combatants and they’re not allowed to attack you; shooting one (or vice versa) is a serious war crime. So is impersonating one so that the enemy won’t shoot you.

Can you play dead in war?

Playing dead to escape an enemy is okay. It would be considered a ruse of warfare, albeit a very dangerous one. Still, it could be and has been used by soldiers with little other choice. However, playing dead and then turning on an enemy that passed you by, might well be considered a violation of the rules of war.

Is faking being dead a war crime?

Perfidy constitutes a breach of the laws of war and so is a war crime, as it degrades the protections and mutual restraints developed in the interest of all parties, combatants and civilians.

Is it a war crime to shoot at a medical helicopter?

MEDEVAC aircraft and ground transport are mandated by the Geneva Convention to be unarmed and well marked. Firing on “clearly marked and identified” MEDEVAC vehicles would be considered a war crime under Article II of the Geneva Convention, in the same sense as firing on a hospital ship would be a war crime.

Is it a war crime to shoot a medical helicopter?

According to the manual, “attacking a properly marked … medical aircraft” constitutes a war crime recognized by the customary law of armed conflict.

Did pilots shoot at parachutes?

Targeting parachutists became an issue during the First World War when fighter pilots targeted manned enemy observation balloons. After shooting down a balloon, most pilots refrained from firing at the balloon observers as they escaped by parachute, because they felt it was inhumane and unchivalrous.

Did medics in ww2 carry guns?

During World War II, for example, Allied medics serving the European and Mediterranean areas usually carried the M1911A1 pistol while those serving the Pacific theater carried pistols or M1 carbines. When and if they use their arms offensively, they then sacrifice their protection under the Geneva Conventions.

Is it a war crime to kill civilians?

Willful killing, that is, intentionally causing the death of civilians, and “willfully causing great suffering or serious injury” when wounding victims, are war crimes. Persons who commit, order, or condone war crimes are individually liable under international humanitarian law for their crimes.

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