Are cattle cubes good for deer?
Protein is protein for ruminants. If calves and sheep and goats can utilize the protein, so can deer. Many times I will use 3/8″ 20% breeder cubes and the deer eat them just fine.
Can deer eat cattle protein pellets?
Dairy pellets vary in content but generally have fiber, protein, minerals and nutrients for cows that their normal forage might be lacking. So it should be a good thing for deer, however, since the mix is formulated to produce milk it’s probably not exactly the right mix to grow antlers, but close.
Can you feed livestock feed to deer?
Horse feeds are too starchy for deer Horse feeds, especially textured feeds such as grain mixes, will be too high in soluble (starchy) carbohydrates for deer, inviting problems with acidosis and founder. The protein level also will not be high enough to provide for maximal antler growth.
Are mineral licks good for deer?
Having minerals and trace elements available to deer on a year-round basis in salt or mineral licks no doubt can be some help in growing better antlers, but it is just a small part of a much larger picture. Mineral supplements alone will not make much difference.
What animals will a salt lick attract?
As is the case with the salt licks provided by Mother Nature, manmade licks are also frequented by a variety of other animals such as rabbits, groundhogs, foxes, gray squirrels, chipmunks and birds. Some birds definitely eat more salt than others do.
Why do deer eat salt licks?
Why Do Deer Hunt for a Salt Lick? Deer have been scouting for natural mineral licks for ages. Contrary to the belief of others, they love salt not just for the flavor but rather for good health! Salt is needed to create the hydrochloric acid, which is essential for digestion of food in the stomach.
What is a salt lick for cows?
A mineral lick (also known as a salt lick) is a place where animals can go to lick essential mineral nutrients from a deposit of salts and other minerals. Mineral licks can be naturally occurring or artificial (such as blocks of salt that farmers place in pastures for livestock to lick).
What’s the best thing to feed deer?
Late Summer / Early Fall — Provide acorns, corn and soybeans. These are among deer’s favorite foods. Fall and Winter — Cereal grains including oats, triticale, and wheat. Cool season legumes such as clovers, alfalfa and winter peas attract deer and provide nutrition.