Are fish herbivores?
Omnivores. The majority of marine fish are omnivorous, which means they need to eat both meat- and plant-based foods. One easy option for omnivorous eaters is commercial fish food, such as flakes or pellets. However, offering a varied diet will give you healthier, more colorful fish.
Is a fish a carnivore?
Fish can be omnivores, but they can also be herbivores and carnivores.
Do neon tetras eat shrimp?
Will Neon Tetras Eat Shrimp? No, neon tetra will not eat shrimp in your tank but they might chase and harass shrimps thinking them as food. If your shrimp is 7/10th’s of an inch, there is no worry you need to take and your tetra fish will not eat the shrimp.
Will Endlers eat shrimp?
The Endlers WILL eat the baby shrimp. No question. however, as someone said above, the Cherry colony population *should* be OK overall if there are enough hiding places for the baby shrimp. Most people do not realize just how small baby Cherry shrimp are.
Do Endlers eat their babies?
Livebearers exhibit no parental care or instincts toward their young, so yes, they will eat them. Although adult Endlers rarely eat their young, the fry can make a tasty snack for other tank mates. To help ensure survival, they should be kept in a tank with plenty of hiding areas or in a densely-planted tank.
Can guppies breed with Endlers?
Yes, as you have found out first hand, guppies and endlers will cross and produce offspring. The offspring are not sterile and can be used to develop more guppy/endler varieties. Because of this, the Endler’s Livebearer is not its own species, and is actually just a unique guppy variant.
How many Endlers should be kept together?
Breeding colony: 8 to 10 Endlers is a good genetic base from which to start a breeding colony. Tank size: The usual rule of thumb of having one gallon of water for each inch of fish in a freshwater tropical tank is sufficient.
Can Endlers live in a bowl?
Answer: I would not recommend keeping any fish in a fish bowl however the number of fish that may be kept in any size tank depends on the bio-load the fish create. Smaller fish such as male Endlers produce very little waste so it is possible to keep more fish in a smaller space.