Are insects omnivores or herbivores?
Many insects are life-history omnivores, which means that they act as herbivores during one stage of their life, then as predators during another. For example, most parasitoid wasps feed upon their host (another arthropod) during larval development, and then nectar-feed as adults.
Are insects carnivore?
Carnivores that eat insects primarily or exclusively are called insectivores, while those that eat fish primarily or exclusively are called piscivores. There are also several species of carnivorous plants, though most are primarily insectivorous.
Is a gorilla a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?
Gorillas stick to a mainly vegetarian diet, feeding on stems, bamboo shoots and fruits. Western lowland gorillas, however, also have an appetite for termites and ants, and break open termite nests to eat the larvae.
Is a dog a carnivore or herbivore?
A Balanced Diet For Dogs Includes Grains Many people believe dogs are carnivores. In fact, dogs are omnivores, and even wolves in the wild derive nutrition from both plant and animal sources.
What animal can kill a bunny?
Birds of Prey Although birds of prey may not be much of a problem in urban areas, they can attack and eat rabbits, especially if they are on free-range. Birds such as eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, and crows are always on the lookout to snatch away and eat small mammals like rabbits, squirrels, and mice.
Can a skunk kill a rabbit?
While most of the skunk diet is insect-based, these animals may also devour small, relatively helpless animal prey, as well. Field mice, voles and rabbits may all be targeted by skunks, as well as ground-nesting birds.
Would a skunk kill a cat?
The short answer is that no, skunks do not kill pet house cats. When the kittens disappear, they may have been eaten by a house cat or snake. A rat may also eat the baby kittens without leaving any trace. The skunks are known to target the cat foods more than the grown cats.