
Are Language Tools good?

Are Language Tools good?

Overall: The overall experience with LanguageTool has been good. It is a simple software that proofread and corrects all my errors. I can also work offline. Pros: LanguageTool is a good Software tool for checking and correcting grammar errors on my papers.

Can Grammarly correct Spanish?

Currently, Grammarly supports only the English language. With that being said, Grammarly recognizes a number of spelling, grammar, and punctuation differences in American, British, Canadian, and Australian English. You can change your language preference at https://account.grammarly.com/customize/language.

Can you change Grammarly to English?

Open Grammarly from the app menu on your mobile phone and tap “Grammarly Settings.” Next, tap “Language Preference” and choose your preferred setting.

Is it la problema or El problema?

The Spanish letters “a” and “o” as the final letter of a word designate a feminine or masculine word; “a” is feminine and “o” is masculine. So how come it’s “el problema” and not “la problema” since “el” should always modify a masculine noun and “la” a feminine noun.

Why is it La Leche and not El Leche?

Leche is a feminine noun, therefore it needs the feminine article (la) not the masculine article (el). It´s not a masculine noun, but if a feminine noun starts with “a”, you use “el” in the singular because otherwise it would be “la agua” which means there would be two “a”s together.

How do you know when to use UN or Una?

  1. Before masculine singular nouns → use un.
  2. Before feminine singular nouns → use una.
  3. Before feminine singular nouns starting with stressed a or ha → use un.
  4. Before masculine plural nouns → use unos.
  5. Before feminine plural nouns → use unas.
  6. You do not use an indefinite article in Spanish for saying what someone’s job is.

Is no problemo correct?

Its usage as a Spanish expression is incorrect; a correct translation would be ningún problema, sin problema or no hay problema.

How do u say goodbye in Spanish?

Adiós: The Top Choice for Saying Goodbye in Spanish Let’s hear how to pronounce it: Adiós. -Adiós. Goodbye.

Whats de nada mean?

of nothing : you’re welcome

How do you say no means no in Spanish?

No means no. Ya te he dicho que no mil veces.

What is no in Italian?

The Italian words for Yes is Sì, and the Italian word for No is No! Find out how to pronounce them in this free Italian lesson.

What does español mean?

Spanish language

How do you reject someone in Spanish?

Reverse translation for turn someone down

  1. (figurado) rechazar (una oferta, invitación, etc.)
  2. rechazar (a alguien) – to reject, to turn down, to refuse, to rebuff.
  3. rehusar – to refuse.
  4. rechazar – to reject, to turn down, to refuse, to rebuff.

How do you say I want you in Spanish sexually?

“Te quiero is “I want you”. In Spanish it is an expression of endearment between lovers or even between good friends and family, but it does not carry the power of “te amo” which expresses unconditional love.

Is hocico a bad word?

Most of the times it is a derogatory word or a negative adjective. Be careful! The Spanish word jeta comes from the Arabic jaṭm, that means snout, beak or nose (hocico, pico, nariz). According to the Diccionario de Americanismos, the word jeta is a derogatory term for mouth in almost all Latin American countries.

How do you accept politely?

Being able to say something in a basic way is already a victory in another language, but understanding how to politely respond to people is the next step in your English language learning….Formal acceptance/refusal

  1. Thank you, yes I would.
  2. No, thank you.
  3. I’d love some, thank you!
  4. Thank you, but I’m alright.

How do you accept an offer to refuse?

10 Advanced Ways To Refuse An Offer In English

  1. It’s very kind of you, but… Say this to show you appreciate the offer.
  2. I appreciate the offer, but … This is a little more formal than the first.
  3. It’s very tempting, but …
  4. I really shouldn’t.
  5. I can’t this time.
  6. It’s a great offer, but …
  7. Actually, I think I’m going to pass on it, if you don’t mind.
  8. Let me sleep on it.

How do you refuse politely in English?

Let’s look at some simple ways that we can say no politely.

  1. I am sorry, but I can’t.
  2. No thank you.
  3. I am sorry, but + (reason)
  4. I would love to, but + (reason)
  5. I wish I could, but + (reason)
  6. I am sorry, but I can’t because + (reason)
  7. Thank you, but + (reason)
  8. That sounds good, but + (reason)

What should I reply when someone invites to my marriage?

  • If you have accepted the invitation, you will either want to thank your host as soon as you join the celebration or event, or perhaps you will wait until the end of the event to do so.
  • I appreciate the invitation.
  • Thank you for inviting me.
  • Thank you for having me / us.
  • I had a wonderful time.

How do you say yes on an invitation?

How to Say Yes

  1. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for the invitation.
  3. That is so kind of you.
  4. Thanks for thinking of us.
  5. That sounds great.
  6. How wonderful!
  7. Awesome!
  8. How fun!

How do you politely decline an invitation when you don’t want to go?

So how can you give a firm but polite “no”?

  1. “Thank you for thinking of me. I would love to be there, but can’t.”
  2. “Wish I could, but it is not possible for me to attend.”
  3. “I’m already busy that day/evening/weekend.”
  4. “Oh, too bad for me. I’m going to miss all the fun!”

How do you say no without being rude?

Five ways to say ‘no’ without being rude

  1. Say it Straight. If you want to be taken seriously by the organisation, it is best to be honest.
  2. Buy Time. Try to buy time in order to accommodate the new task.
  3. Watch your Body Language. Use the right tone for communicating, and maintain steady eye contact.
  4. Try the ‘Sandwich Method’
  5. Be Ready with Explanations.

How do you reject someone nicely?

7 ways to reject someone nicely

  1. Be honest. They don’t say that honesty is the best policy for nothing.
  2. Prepare yourself.
  3. Do it face to face.
  4. Stick with “I” statements.
  5. Know that what you’re feeling is normal.
  6. Avoid putting it off.
  7. Don’t give false hope.

How do you say no nicely?

Here are 10 ways for you to say ‘NO’ in a polite manner:

  1. I’m honoured but I can’t.
  2. I wish there were two of me.
  3. Sorry, I’m booked into something else right now.
  4. Sadly, I have something else.
  5. No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time.
  6. I’m not taking anything else right now.

What can I say instead of not a problem?

The Problem With “Not a Problem”

  • You are welcome.
  • You are very welcome.
  • My pleasure.
  • Our pleasure.
  • It’s a pleasure.
  • Happy to help.
  • I am always happy to help.
  • We are happy to serve you.

What can I say instead of no?

Other Ways to Say NO in English

  • Nah.
  • Nope.
  • No way.
  • Sorry.
  • Not now.
  • Certainly not.
  • By no means.
  • I shall not.

Can you say no to your boss?

But my point is, you can say “no” to your boss, too. The trick is to provide some sort of justification. No, you don’t have to justify each and every one of your decisions—that’s an unnecessary waste of time and an insult to your integrity. But, “because I said so,” probably won’t make the cut.

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