Are LED continuous or discrete?

Are LED continuous or discrete?

LED lights, or “Light Emitting Diodes,” as they are better known, emit a continuous spectrum. The spectrum they cover is not as broad as other colored lights or incandescent lights.

How do you know if a variable is discrete?

A discrete variable is a variable whose value is obtained by counting. A continuous variable is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring. A random variable is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon. A discrete random variable X has a countable number of possible values.

How do you know if a light source is continuous or discrete?

Typically one can observe two distinctive classes of spectra: continous and discrete. For a continuous spectrum, the light is composed of a wide, continuous range of colors (energies). With discrete spectra, one sees only bright or dark lines at very distinct and sharply-defined colors (energies).

Can a light be continuous and discrete?

The answer for light appears to be that light is both discrete and continuous. Light travels as a wave yet it interacts as a particle.

What are the two sources of continuous spectra that will be used?

A rainbow is an example of a continuous spectrum. Most continuous spectra are from hot, dense objects like stars, planets, or moons. The continuous spectrum from these kinds of objects is also called a thermal spectrum, because hot, dense objects will emit electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths or colors.

Is life expectancy discrete or continuous?

Answer: Continuous if looking for exact age, discrete if going by number of years. If a data set is continuous, then the associated random variable could take on any value within the range.

Is white light discrete or continuous?

Although fluorescent light approximates natural, white light, the spectrum of a fluorescent light is not the continuous spectrum of an incandescent light. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the two types of bulbs.

Is incandescent light warm or cool?

Traditionally, incandescent bulbs have given off a warm, yellow-colored light. LED bulbs, on the other hand, are available in a variety of colors from classic warm white to cool (bluish) white that mimics natural daylight.

Why are atomic spectra discrete and not continuous?

Quick answer: Atomic spectra are continuous because the energy levels of electrons in atoms are quantized. The electrons in an atom can have only certain energy levels. Each packet of energy corresponds to a line in the atomic spectrum. There is nothing between each line, so the spectrum is discontinuous.

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