Are you flexible with working hours?

Are you flexible with working hours?

A flexible schedule allows an employee to work hours that differ from the normal company start and stop time. Particularly in an environment for exempt employees, those hours are generally 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., and tallied, they total a 40-hour workweek.

How do you write a letter asking for flexible working hours?

In your letter you should:

  1. set out the working pattern you are asking for and the date on which you would like it to start.
  2. explain how the proposed change would affect your employer and colleagues and how you think these changes might be dealt with.

How do you introduce flexible working hours?

10 things to do when implementing flexible working hours

  1. Create a flexible working hours policy.
  2. Document flexible working terms.
  3. Guide your staff.
  4. Assess your line managers support.
  5. Communicate changes clearly.
  6. Measure employee performance.
  7. Listen to your people.
  8. Flexibility is key.

What are the disadvantages of flexible working hours?

Disadvantages of Flexible Working Hours

  • Can Lead to Less Productivity.
  • Can Lead to More Procrastination.
  • Workplace Flexibility Often Means Working from Home.
  • Flexible Working Arrangements may not Always Equal High Paying Jobs.
  • It can be Harder for Managers and Employers to Keep Track of what Their Employees are Doing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having flexible working hours?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Work Schedules:

1 Adaptability Not suitable for all employees
2 Efficiency Not for employee who work as per work schedule
3 Taking control over the schedule Misusing
4 Reduce employee stress Fun and work together can lead to errors in work
5 Employee satisfaction Manager can find it difficult

What are examples of flexible work schedules?

What are examples of flexible work arrangements?

  • Flex time.
  • Reduced hours/Part-time.
  • Compressed work week.
  • Telework/Working Remotely/Telecommuting.
  • Job sharing.
  • Banking of Hours/ Annualized hours.
  • Gradual Retirement.
  • Leaves and Sabbaticals.

What is the 5 4 9 work schedule?

This shift schedule supports the standard 5/4/9 compressed work schedule. Each full-time employee works eight 9-hr days and one 8-hr day for a total of 80 hours in a biweekly pay period. Two teams are required to provide coverage from Monday through Friday.

What are the most flexible jobs?

The 20 Best Jobs for Flexibility

  • Nurse – ICU.
  • Occupational therapy assistant.
  • Office manager.
  • Operations analysts.
  • Operations manager.
  • Physical therapist assistant.
  • Product managers.
  • Statistician. Statisticians conduct research, analyze data and prepare reports for a variety of fields and clients.

What are the 9 to 5 jobs?

The definition of a nine to five is a normal and routine job. The term is often used to describe boring or unfulfilling jobs. An example of a nine to five might be working at a fast food restaurant just to make a paycheck if you have no interest in food. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What job has the most free time?

The Highest-Paying Jobs With The Most Time Off

  • Law Teachers, post-secondary.
  • Speech-Language Pathologists.
  • Clinical Counseling, and School Psychologists.
  • Dental Hygienists.
  • Librarians.
  • Principals (Education Administrators, elementary and secondary school)
  • Occupational Therapists.
  • Judges & Magistrates.

What is the most flexible degree?

Top Ten Most Flexible Degree Choices

  • Business administration. This degree opens doors throughout the corporate world.
  • Engineering. For technically-minded students, engineering degrees offer a wide range of employment options.
  • Computer science.
  • Mathematics.
  • English and other languages.
  • Education.
  • Political science.
  • Psychology.

Which is the hardest degree?

Below are the 13 hardest majors based on 2016 NSSE data shared with The Tab.

  • #8: Biochemistry or Biophysics.
  • #7: Astronomy.
  • #6: Physics.
  • #5: Cell and Molecular Biology.
  • #4: Biomedical Engineering.
  • #3: Aero and Astronautical Engineering.
  • #2: Chemical Engineering.
  • #1: Architecture.

What degree is most useful?

Most Useful Bachelor Degrees

  1. Computer Science. Computer Science is the highest paying and most in-demand degree on this list.
  2. Business & Administration. As long as there are businesses, business majors will always be in demand.
  3. Engineering.
  4. Finance.
  5. Information Technology.
  6. Mathematics & Statistics.
  7. Communications.
  8. Education.

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