Can a 13 year old sell on eBay?
As you are only 13 you will need to get your parents to agree to create an eBay sellers account and PayPal account for you to use. Your parent’s might already have an account that you can use but if they don’t, be sure to explain to them your business proposal.
Can a 15 year old sell on eBay?
Originally Answered: Can 15 year old buy and sell for profit on ebay? According to eBay’s policies, you must be at least 18 years old. I started selling when I was 15. You will need to use a parent/guardian’s account, and they will need to keep tabs on everything since they have ultimate responsibility for the account.
How old do you have to be to sell online?
The minimum age to enter into a contract is 18. You have to agree to a contract with Amazon before you can sell on Amazon. Therefore minimum age is 18.
How old do you need to be to use PayPal?
18 years old
What’s the minimum age for PayPal?
least 18 years old
Can I lie about my age on PayPal?
You can’t lie about your age to get a PayPal account because it will be tied to a bank account that will have your social security number which is tied to a lot of personal info about you. Have your parents sponsor you for a joint account.
Can I fake my birthday in PayPal?
You can’t change your date of birth; that is a past event. You addeed fake information to set up your PayPal account.
Can you put a fake birthday on PayPal?
Unfortunately, PayPal does not have a specific avenue to change your date of birth. One way to submit the correct paperwork and correct the error is to use the Name Change page. This works to change your date of birth as well; then you simply wait for PayPal to review the information.
What happens if PayPal finds out your under 18?
Paypal will NEVER EVER find out about your age. I made paypal back in 2014 when I was around 13 years old and spent money like no tomorrow without any problems. They WILL find out if they see any documents of you being under the age of 18 in this case my drivers license.
Can a 16 year old have venmo?
Venmo’s terms of service states that to create an account you must be 18 years old. Because of this, an alternative solution is for you, the parent, to download the app and create an account for your teen. You can still link your teen’s debit card to the account in order to promote financial responsibility.
How can I keep PayPal Money Under 18?
Nope they don’t. As the ‘account’ was illegally made then the funds are equally so UNTIL that person is 18, they can then open a paypal account legally and transfer the funds from their other limited account.
Will PayPal close my account if I’m under 18?
PayPal now requires you to be “of age” being 18 years old. Best bet is ask your parents if you give them the money for the item you want to buy it for you under their account. Do not trust them. They will wait until you put money in there, and then keep it saying you need a this and that.