Can a bullet have the same momentum as a car?

Can a bullet have the same momentum as a car?

ANSWER: Yes, for a bullet to have the same momentum as a truck, it must have a higher velocity because the two masses are not the same.

Can a small car have more momentum than a big truck?

Yes. Momentum is mass multiplied by speed. With less mass and a higher speed the small car can have the same momentum as a large truck. So with half the weight it would have to be moving twice as fast.

Is it possible for a truck to have the same momentum as a lightweight justify your answer?

For a truck and a bike to have the same momentum, the mass of the vehicle times the velocity of the vehicle must be the same for both of them. Therefore, the lighter, less massive bike will have a much higher velocity than the truck.

Is it possible for a truck and motorcycle to have the same momentum?

How can a heavy moving van have the same momentum as a small motorcycle? Momentum= mass x velocity. The heavy truck needs to move slower and the motorcycle needs to move much faster to have the same momentum.

What is the difference between impulse and momentum?

The momentum of the object is given by the product of mass and velocity while the impulse is the change of momentum when a large force is applied on an object for a short interval of time.

Can a toy car have the same momentum as a real car?

Yes, it’s true that the car has a lower mass and a higher acceleration. However, it starts with a much larger velocity since the two vehicles have the same starting momentum. In the end, both vehicles will have the same force with the same change in momentum.

How a fast car have more momentum than a slow truck?

Momentum is the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. A moving truck has more momentum than a car moving at the same speed because the truck has more mass. A fast car can have more momentum than a slow truck. A truck at rest has no momentum at all.

What is the force required to stop a moving object?

Explanation: an external force is required to stop a moving object because the external force creates a sort of friction or a blockage for the moving object helping it to stop.

What type of relationship exists between momentum and mass?

Mass and velocity are both directly proportional to the momentum. If you increase either mass or velocity, the momentum of the object increases proportionally. If you double the mass or velocity you double the momentum.

What impulse is delivered to the ball?

The key here is that the impulse delivered by the floor to the ball equals the ball’s change in momentum. To determine the ball’s change in momentum, we have to determine the difference between its velocity upon hitting the floor, and its velocity upon rebounding.

Does Momentum have direction?

Momentum is a vector quantity; i.e., it has both magnitude and direction. Isaac Newton’s second law of motion states that the time rate of change of momentum is equal to the force acting on the particle.

Does velocity increase with mass?

If we assume kinetic energy to be constant, then velocity will be inversely proportional to the square root of mass. So as mass decreases, velocity will increase accordingly.

Is mass directly proportional to velocity?

Explanation: In terms of an equation, the momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object. The equation illustrates that momentum is directly proportional to an object’s mass and directly proportional to the object’s velocity.

What is the relationship between mass and velocity?

The velocity would decrease because mass and velocity are inversely related. The equation for Kinetic Energy is: KE = 1/2 mv2. Kinetic energy has a direct relationship with mass, meaning that as mass increases so does the Kinetic Energy of an object.

Does velocity affect weight?

if a body is traveling with more velocity it has more energy and more weight will be experienced. Means weight and velocity are directly proportional to the energy and indirectly with each other.

Do heavier objects reach terminal velocity faster?

heavy objects will have a higher terminal velocity than light objects. It takes a larger air resistance force to equal the weight of a heavier object. A larger air resistance force requires more speed.) Therefore, heavy objects will fall faster in air than light objects.

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