Can a multivitamin cause high blood pressure?

Can a multivitamin cause high blood pressure?

Conclusion. The results from this prospective study of middle-aged and older women suggest that neither baseline multivitamin use nor time-varying multivitamin use is associated with the risk of developing hypertension.

What is the side effects of Centrum vitamins?

Constipation, diarrhea, or upset stomach may occur. These effects are usually temporary and may disappear as your body adjusts to this medication. If any of these effects persist or worsen, contact your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

What are the side effects of multivitamins?

Side effects of multivitamins include:

  • Constipation.
  • Dark stools.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.

Is it bad to take a multivitamin every day?

But some research shows that downing these pills and powders isn’t really making us healthier. A 2013 editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that daily multivitamins don’t prevent chronic disease or death, and their use can’t be justified — unless a person is below science-based requirement levels.

Can we eat multivitamin daily?

The good news is that we can get most of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need daily by choosing the right foods and eating a wide variety of them. Still, many people take a multivitamin daily as an insurance policy — just to be sure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals that their bodies require.

Do we need to take vitamins everyday?

Most people do not need to take vitamin supplements and can get all the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a healthy, balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium and vitamin C, are essential nutrients that your body needs in small amounts to work properly.

Does multivitamin make you sleepy?

But routinely getting an overload of vitamins and minerals can hurt you. Too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage.

Does multivitamin improve skin?

Most multivitamins contain vitamin C, and it is also readily available in many citrus fruits as well as most vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and squash. Applying topical vitamin C directly to the skin may improve elasticity, helping the skin look younger and brighter.

What is the benefit of taking multivitamins?

The primary role of a multivitamin is to fill nutritional gaps and make sure people get their daily allowance of underconsumed nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E and K, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber, choline and potassium, Wong said.

How much multivitamin should I take daily?

“Most people think it’s fine to take as much as they want,” says Rosenbloom. “I know people who take 10,000 mg a day.” However, the upper tolerable limit is 2,000 mg a day. “People at risk for kidney stones can increase that risk; people also can get diarrhea.

Do vitamins actually work?

The researchers concluded that multivitamins don’t reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline (such as memory loss and slowed-down thinking) or an early death. They also noted that in prior studies, vitamin E and beta-carotene supplements appear to be harmful, especially at high doses.

Which vitamins are worth taking?

Five Vitamins and Supplements That Might Actually be Worth Taking

  • ​Vitamin D. Of all the “classic” vitamins—the vital organic compounds discovered between 1913 and 1941 and termed vitamin A, B, C, etc.
  • Probiotics.
  • Zinc.
  • Niacin.
  • ​Garlic.

Is it OK to take a multivitamin with other vitamins?

You can—but it’s probably not a good idea. For some supplements, optimal absorption can depend on the time of day taken. Not only that—taking certain vitamins, minerals, or other supplements together can also reduce absorption and may result in adverse interactions, which can be harmful to your health.

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