Can cell division reproduce an entire organism?
A) Cell division is the basis of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Cell division is necessary for development to occur. C) Cell division is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes. D) Cell division can reproduce an entire organism.
Why animals can reproduce in large number?
Animals have limited amounts of energy they can use for reproduction. Animals with high fecundity spend their energy in the production of many offspring that do not require much care. Alternatively, animals with low fecundity produce fewer offspring, and have more energy to care for those offspring.
What animals can reproduce in large number?
Selina Heppell, head of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University, says other fish known to have high numbers of eggs include sturgeon (up to 2.5 million eggs for Atlantic sturgeon) and large tuna (bluefin tuna can produce 10 million eggs a year).
Which group of animals is the largest in number?
In terms of numbers of species, insects certainly represent the largest percentage of the world’s organisms. There are more than 1 million species of insects that have been documented and studied by scientists.
What animals have the largest litters?
Arctic Foxes hold an interesting record. They have the largest litters of any wild mammal in the world. While the average is 11 puppies, litters with 22 puppies have been recorded in Russia.
Which animal gives birth only once in lifetime?
For some, of course, it’s normal to only have one or a couple of offspring in a lifetime. But swamp wallabies, small hopping marsupials found throughout eastern Australia, are far outside the norm: New research suggests that most adult females are always pregnant.
What animal has the most teeth in the world?
What animal lives the longest?
The ten longest-living creatures in the world
- 1 Asian Elephant. As a general rule: larger creatures have a longer life expectancy.
- 2 Blue and yellow macaw. Parrots are the only birds that can live longer than people, with a life expectancy of up to 100 years.
- 3 Man.
- 4 Giant lobsters.
- 5 Bowhead whale.
- 6 Giant tortoise.
- 7 Greenland shark.
- 8 Icelandic clams.
What animal is immortal?
jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii
What is April’s spirit animal?
What animal represents each month?
Chinese Zodiac Signs for the Months of the Year
Zodiac Animal Sign | Month | Characteristics |
Ox (or Cow) | Jan 6 to Feb 3 | Dependable and hard-working |
Tiger | Feb 4 to Mar 5 | Impulsive and playful |
Rabbit | Mar 6 to Apr 4 | Sensitive and kind |
Dragon | Apr 5 to May 4 | Majestic and demanding |
What does it mean when you see your spirit animal?
The animal is there to provide “medicine” to the recipient in the form of guidance, lessons, protection, power, or wisdom. Shamans worldwide have relied on the guidance, wisdom, and symbolism of spirit animals for thousands of years.
What are the 12 spirit animals?
Read below to find your spirit animal, as it relates to your zodiac sign.
- 12 Aries: Hawk.
- 11 Taurus: Beaver.
- 10 Gemini: Deer.
- 9 Cancer: Woodpecker.
- 8 Leo: Salmon.
- 7 Virgo: Bear.
- 6 Libra: Raven.
- 5 Scorpio: Snake.
When people call you their spirit animal?
Urban Dictionary defines “spirit animal” like this: Online, saying something or someone is your spirit animal is a statement that said person or thing is a representation of you or what you want to be.
What does it mean if a butterfly is your spirit animal?
What does butterfly mean sexually?
n. A position for sexual intercourse in which a woman and man lie facing each other, with the woman on the bottom and the man on the top.
What do butterflies symbolize in death?
When a person suffering from the loss of a loved one has this kind of unique experience with a butterfly, they feel it is their loved one communicating with them. They interpret the appearance of the butterfly as a message that the deceased is okay and continues to live in another realm.
What does symbol of butterfly mean?
Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life.
Are butterflies a good sign?
A lot of people think that getting “butterflies” — that sinking feeling in their stomach — is a good sign, especially when it’s about a new person they’re dating. So if you’re not getting that fluttery feeling in your stomach, that’s a sign your new relationship may actually be the real thing.
What does a butterfly tattoo on a woman mean?
Butterflies are a popular subject for tattoos among girls and women, either as a pretty skin decoration or as a symbol of a deeper meaning. Butterflies symbolize freedom, beauty and change, and are often chosen to represent a period of transformation in a woman’s life.
What does a butterfly symbolize in the Bible?
Butterfly meaning in the Bible, Butterfly in the Bible is a symbol of resurrection. The metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly has striking parallels to Christian conversion, resurrection, and transfiguration.
What does a orange butterfly mean spiritually?
life force
What is the religious significance of the butterfly?
Christian tradition views the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. According to the Old Testament story, Christ died on the cross, was buried in a tomb for three days, and came to life again to offer hope of life after death. For Christians, butterflies are especially significant symbols during the Easter season.
What does the Bible say about tattoos?
If you take the Bible word for word, in Leviticus 19:28, its exact translation is: ”And a cutting for the dead you will not make in your flesh; and writing marks you will not make on you; I am the Lord.” Some modern-day versions of the Bible do have the word tattoo written in the translation and then it reads: “Do not …