Can ExamSoft track IP address?

Can ExamSoft track IP address?

For purposes of support, accountability, quality control, and exam-related assistance, ExamSoft shall have the right to collect certain information, whether from Exam Taker or exam administrator (including, but not limited to, photograph, IP address, name, email, user ID, makes and models of computers used by Exam …

Does Examity see your screen?

Examity offers several monitoring levels, all of which use a webcam to monitor students as they take their exams online. Instructors can visit the Office of Online Learning’s Online Course Proctoring site for more information on how to obtain permission to use Examity.

Can you cheat Examity?

ProctorU and Examity do not take any steps to prevent cheating by using a virtual machine. Cheating is as easy as loading up a virtual machine, and taking the test inside of it, while you do anything you want on the host machine.

Does Examity track eye movement?

From top to bottom, none of it really makes sense – it’s incredibly invasive: it tracks your eye motion through your webcam, it scans your knuckles as some weird form of identification, it uses facial recognition to make sure that you’re not someone else – and above all, it can be bypassed rather easily.

Does Honorlock tell you if you get flagged?

Honorlock’s AI monitors the test-taking. “Face not detected” results in a high flag indicating that no face was detected within the camera window (if an instructor has required the use of a web cam during test taking).

Can Honorlock see your screen?

No. Honorlock does not scan or monitor a student’s device or network or monitor data from other devices connected to the network.

Can LockDown browser detect other devices?

Screen-sharing, screen capture, messaging, network monitoring applications, and virtual machines are blocked from running. It is also important to note that assessments that have been set up to run on Respondus LockDown Browser cannot be accessed using other browsers.

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