Can guppies and glow tetras live together?

Can guppies and glow tetras live together?

Neon Tetras and Guppies can be housed together. These two species of aquarium fish share a lot in common. They are both peaceful, have beautiful colors, share the same diet and tank conditions.

What fish goes well with Glofish?

Best fish tank companions for a Glofish Tetra

  • Neon Tetras.
  • Cardinal Tetras.
  • Black Neon Tetras.
  • Tiger Barbs.
  • Plecos.
  • Danios.
  • Dwarf cichlids.
  • Rasboras.

What big fish can live with guppies?

These two species will be fine together as long as the Angelfish are small – larger Angelfish will probably see Guppies as an easy snack. If you’re set on keeping Angelfish, I would recommend some larger tank mates such as Cory Catfish, Bristenose Plecos, Swordtails, or Mollies.

Can a Molly breed with a guppy?

Yes, a guppy and molly hybrid is possible. But you need to remember that it should be a guppy male with a molly female. And, that you should not have male and female mollies or guppies in the tank. Otherwise, they will not cross-breed with each other.

What is the best type of guppy?

Guppy fish are part of the Poeciliidae family, which includes the following guppy fish species:

  • Poecilia Reticulata (Common / Fancy Guppy) Common / Fancy Guppy Fish.
  • Poecilia Wingei (Endler Guppy) Endler Guppy.
  • Micropoecilia Picta (Swamp Guppies)
  • Veiltail.
  • Triangle-tail.
  • Fantail.
  • Scarftail.
  • Double Swordtail.

Which is the rarest Guppy?

Rare Champions A rare Japanese strain called a blue variegated cobra, known globally as a galaxy blue glass guppy, garnished fourth place in the recent World Guppy Contest. This rare blue glass has tremendous potential with exceptionally good finnage and form.

Can you over feed guppies?

If you have guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) in your aquarium, never overfeed them. Inordinate amounts of food can often be detrimental to the health and well-being of these freshwater fish, so take note.

Why are my guppies always hungry?

Guppy fish always look hungry and can be overfeed very easily. They will eat as much you offer them. Overfeeding will cause your fish health issues. Feeding your guppies once or twice per day is enough.

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