Can I get a loan with a 617 credit score?

Can I get a loan with a 617 credit score?

The most common type of loan available to borrowers with a 617 credit score is an FHA loan. FHA loans only require that you have a 500 credit score, so with a 617 FICO, you will definitely meet the credit score requirements. We can help match you with a mortgage lender that offers FHA loans in your location.

What can you do with a 617 credit score?

What Does a 617 Credit Score Get You?

Type of Credit Do You Qualify?
Auto Loan with 0% Intro Rate NO
Lowest Auto Insurance Premiums NO
Personal Loan MAYBE
Apartment Rental MAYBE

What can I do with a 620 credit score?

While a 620 credit score could use some improvement, if you’re looking for a guaranteed approval with competitive rates, it does fall into the “fair” credit score range….Personal Loan Options with a 620 Credit Score

  • Emergency loan.
  • Debt consolidation loan.
  • Installment loan.

Can you get a loan with a 620 credit score?

Conventional Loan Requirements It’s recommended you have a credit score of 620 or higher when you apply for a conventional loan. If your score is below 620, you might be offered a higher interest rate.

How much house loan can I get on 30000 salary?

How much home loan can I get on my salary?

Net Monthly income Home Loan Amount
Rs.25,000 Rs.18,64,338
Rs.30,000 Rs.22,37,206
Rs.40,000 Rs.29,82,941
Rs.50,000 Rs.37,28,676

Is 30000 too much for a car?

If you do not have 30k cash and no debt, yes, 30k is too much. The only time you should ever get a car loan is when you are borrowing the money at a very low rate, and you have carefully considered that buying a new car is worth the instant loss of money and instant depreciation for your particular situation.

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