Can I pay someone to write a paper for me?

Can I pay someone to write a paper for me?

Paying someone to write your paper, whether it’s a fellow student or an essay mill, is a form of plagiarism and is usually considered one of the most serious by teachers and administrators alike. If you pay someone to write the paper, that is clearly untrue.

Can someone write my paper for me?

Let a Professional Write Your Paper for You. Professional academic writers from can deliver a custom paper for you really fast. It takes them just several hours to complete a 1,000-word general college essay of high quality.

Can someone else write my thesis?

You are absolutely right! Whether or not the act is legal, writing someone else’s thesis is helping them commit fraud. You would be helping him or her to obtain a degree that he or she has not earned.

Can I get someone to write my dissertation?


How many words is a Masters dissertation?

A Masters dissertation will be longer than the undergraduate equivalent – usually it’ll be somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 words, but this can vary widely between courses, institutions and countries.

How long does it take to do a dissertation?

13-20 months

Can I write my dissertation in 2 weeks?

You could get it done in under two weeks if you did 1000 words a day. I left myself in a similar situation but with much more time, goals of 300-500 words a day to get it done. Personally speaking, writing isn’t the problem – it’s finding sources and working them in.

Can I finish my dissertation in a month?

If you want to finish writing your thesis in a month, the first thing you need to recognize is that you don’t need to break new grounds in your thesis for your thesis to be acceptable. If for some reason you think you need to break new grounds, then you need to quickly adjust your expectations.

Can I write a dissertation in 2 days?

Yes, you can write up your dissertation in two days — but I don’t recommend it!

How many hours should I spend on my dissertation?

Some people plan to spend at least two hours on their dissertation each day; others make sure to write two pages each day. Figure out a plan that works for you. For at least part of the time that I wrote my dissertation, I made sure to work on the writing and research aspects for at least three to four hours per day.

How long does it take to write 10000 word dissertation?

Professional typists can type between 65 and 75 words per minute. Since students spend a lot of time typing, let us assume the average student can type 50 words a minute. So, typing the requisite 10,000 words would take just 3.3 hours.

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