Can I still use Turbo Lister?

Can I still use Turbo Lister?

Turbo Lister, as an offline application will continue to function on your computer. What will change, come July, is that Turbo Lister will no longer be able to upload listings to eBay or download data from eBay but as for creating offline listings that just are in your Inventory, that part will remain unchanged.

What replaced Turbo Lister on eBay?


Does eBay still support Turbo Lister?

eBay has retired its popular listing tool, Turbo Lister, after almost two decades of service. Many sellers opted for third-party eBay listing software long ago. On one hand there is eBay’s new Seller Hub, which does feature a listing tool.

What is eBay Turbo Lister?

eBay Turbo Lister is a new eBay selling tool. It is a desktop-based selling tool that facilitates creating listings to post on the eBay site. As a seller, Turbo Lister will help you list items on eBay more quickly and easily.

What is Wonder Lister?

Wonder Lister is a listing and order management application for eBay sellers. Features a customized data export suitable for import into Amazon, Shopify, Magento, Etsy and others. Wonder Lister can submit saved listings to eBay during free listing promotions.

Where is the eBay listing tool?

You can find the business tool in My eBay – opens in new window or tab or Seller Hub – opens in new window or tab. If you’re new to selling, or you only sell occasionally, use our quick listing tool – opens in new window or tab to create your listing in just a few minutes.

How do I change shipping options on eBay?

Updating your shipping options

  1. Go to your Sold – opens in new window or tab items.
  2. From More actions, choose Send invoice.
  3. Enter the new shipping price and select Send.

How do I add multiple shipping options on eBay?

By offering more than one delivery option, you’ll be able to attract different types of buyers. On the listing page, scroll down to the Shipping section. Choose whether you want to: Ship your item: You select a fixed cost, or we calculate the cost for you based on package weight and dimensions.

What are the shipping options for eBay?

There are several USPS services you can use to ship your eBay items….USPS

  • First-Class Mail. This is the Postal Service’s best-known service, and a good option if your item fits into an envelope or small package.
  • Priority Mail.
  • Parcel Post.
  • Media Mail.
  • Express Mail.
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