
Can I upload my article to ResearchGate?

Can I upload my article to ResearchGate?

You can upload the author version. You should also check with the publisher if you are allowed to do so. Sometimes there is an embargo or vesting period and, after that period, you are allowed to publish or distribute the author version of your paper on your own. You can upload the preprint version.

Is ResearchGate illegal?

The publishers accuse ResearchGate of “massive infringement of peer-reviewed, published journal articles.” They say that the networking site is illegally obtaining and distributing research papers protected by copyright law.

How are ResearchGate impact points calculated?

According to ResearchGate, the score includes the research outcomes that you share on the platform, your interactions with other members, and the reputation of your peers (i.e., it takes into consideration publications, questions, answers, followers).

Are ResearchGate articles peer reviewed?

ResearchGate does not charge fees for putting content on the site and does not require peer review.

How do you know if a article is peer reviewed?

If the article is from a printed journal, look at the publication information in the front of the journal. If the article is from an electronic journal, go to the journal home page and look for a link to ‘About this journal’ or ‘Notes for Authors’. Here it should tell you if the articles are peer-reviewed.

Is ScienceDirect a credible source?

These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing. See all Pro-Science sources. Overall, we rate ScienceDirect 100% Pro-Science and Very High for factual information.

How do you know if a PubMed article is peer reviewed?

PubMed & Peer Review Information found in PubMed that indicates it is “indexed by MEDLINE” is considered peer reviewed. Look for the phrase “indexed by MEDLINE” under the citation or abstract information. PubMed does not provide a search filter to limit to only peer reviewed articles.

Is PubMed a credible source?

Exploring PubMed as a reliable resource for scholarly communications services. Received 2018 Jan 1; Accepted 2018 Jul 1. Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Is NCBI a government website?

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is part of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is approved and funded by the government of the United States.

Is PubMed and NCBI the same?

PubMed Overview Available to the public online since 1996, PubMed was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Does PubMed use MeSH?

Use MeSH to search MEDLINE®/PubMed® for medical literature and information.

Why is my article not in PubMed?

Answer: For an article to be found in PubMed, the journal that has published the article should be indexed in Medline. If the journal is not indexed in Medline, the published article will not be found on PubMed. Based on the journal indexing of Edorium journals, none of the journals are indexed in Medline.

Where can I find free articles?

Free full-text articles can be approached in the following ways.

  • Medknow Publications.
  • PubMed Central and PubMed.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • Electronic Resources in Medicine Consortium and National Medical Library.
  • Google, Google Scholar, and Yahoo.
  • The Cochrane Library.
  • Public Library of Science.
  • Free Medical Journals.
Category: Uncategorized

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