Can I watch Steel Magnolias on Netflix?
Steel Magnolias | Now Streaming | Netflix.
Are Julia Roberts and Dolly Parton friends?
Dolly Parton and Olympia Dukakis stayed friends after ‘Steel Magnolias’ It appears they continued to be friends in real life! The group of women in the film, including Shirley MacLaine, Olympia Dukakis, Sally Field, Dolly Parton, and Julia Roberts, were so close both on-screen and it appears off-screen as well.
Why was Julia Roberts not in the birthday scene in Steel Magnolias?
That is because the little girl who is playing him (C. Houser) is actually sitting on her actual mother’s lap. She was not on Julia Robert’s lap, because she got scared while sitting on hers and not her own mother’s.
What was wrong with Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias?
Possibly the most famous portrayal of diabetes in the movies is Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias (1989). In a memorable scene, her character with type 1 diabetes experiences crashing low blood sugar while at the beauty parlor as she has her hair done for her own wedding.
Was Steel Magnolias a true story?
1. IT’S BASED ON A TRUE STORY. Writer Robert Harling wrote Steel Magnolias as a way of coping with the passing of his sister, Susan, who died from complications related to diabetes in 1985. In the play, Susan became Shelby.
What does Drink Your Juice Shelby mean?
in Community Dictionary. Another way to state finish your alcoholic drink.A line from movie “metal Magnolias”. The scene where Julia Roberts character “Shelby” is having a diabetic seizure. The mom, played by Sallie areas, is trying to offer her child orange liquid and she states the ling “Take in your juice Shelby.”
What does drink your juice mean?
Everyone knows who their M’Lynns in this world are; I just hope everyone takes the time out to truly thank them when they assist in solving a problem they have by making them “drink the juice.” For someone to invest that much energy into someone else’s problem(s), they really do care.
Who says Drink Your Juice Shelby?
Rachel says the “drink your juice” scene didn’t affect her much, but other parts of the movie did. “The part where Shelby’s mom is telling the ladies that the doctor said Shelby shouldn’t have children — not that she can’t — got me a little, but not on the family planning side.
Why does Shelby have a baby in Steel Magnolias?
[SPOILER ALERT] For those unfamiliar with the film, Shelby is a type 1 diabetic who, due in part to her disease, has very weak kidney function. She has been advised by her doctor not to have children, but wants a child so decides to have one anyway. The strain of pregnancy and childbirth puts her into kidney failure.
Why did Shelby cut her hair in Steel Magnolias?
When Shelby has given birth, she decides to have her long hair cut off “to make things as simple as possible”. But when she sees herself in the mirror without her long locks, she starts to cry, knowing she has left behind part of her pre-motherhood self and must now be sensible, with a sensible hair-do to match.
How long was Shelby in a coma?
If she is already pregnant at Shelby’s funeral, that means Shelby would have to have been in a coma for at least 10 months – the last of October 1989 to August of 1990.
Why did Shelby go into a coma?
M’Lynn explains that Shelby’s body rejected the kidney and that she had gone back on dialysis for the months leading up to her death. About a week prior to the scene is when complications started, eventually leading to a coma.
How did Julia Roberts become an actress?
When her brother, Eric Roberts, achieved some success in Hollywood, Julia decided to try acting. Her first break came in 1988 when she appeared in two youth-oriented movies Mystic Pizza (1988) and Satisfaction (1988). The movies introduced her to a new audience who instantly fell in love with this pretty woman.
How old was Shelby when she died in Steel Magnolias?
Are Sally Field and Julia Roberts friends?
“For me, it is the story about the power of friendship,” Field said. MacLaine added, “And we stayed friends after the movie. We never went to the director’s funeral, but. . .”
Is Nicole Kidman in Steel Magnolias?
Steel Magnolias Julia Roberts Sally Fields Dolly Parton Shirley MacLaine Nicole Kidman – As Strong As ‘Steel Magnolias’
What city was Steel Magnolias filmed in?
Natchitoches, Louisiana
Where was the last scene of Steel Magnolias filmed?
There’s also St. Augustine Church, where Shelby and Jackson were married. I walked along the waterfront where the final scenes of the movie were filmed. The city’s Roque House, dating to 1803, was prominent in the scene.
Would you call that grape or aubergine?
Bob, would you call this color “grape” or “aubergine’? Ouiser Boudreaux : SHUT UP! Clairee Belcher : What? Ouiser Boudreaux : You’re makin’ a fool outta yourself, Clairee.
Is Chinquapin Parish a real place?
Steel Magnolias – the Play He uses a fictional setting for the play – Chinquapin, a town in northwest Louisiana. The town is supposedly also located in Chinquapin Parish, which is the Louisiana equivalent of a county. Neither the town nor the parish exist.