Can parrot cichlids breed with convict cichlids?
Re: can parrot cichlid breed with convict cichlid???? # Unfortunately yes they can and it should be prevented by separating them or by removing the eggs. Most Parrots on sale are hybrid fish who have suffered as a result of their man-made origins, and many include Convict in their ancestry.
What cichlids can live with blood parrots?
Blood parrots should not be kept with aggressive fish, as they are not well equipped to compete for food or turf in the aquarium. Owners have kept them successfully in community tanks with a variety of peaceful fish. Mid-sized tetras, danios, angelfish, and catfish are all good possible tankmates.
Can parrot fish live with convicts?
These Polar Blue Parrot Cichlids are thought to be hybrids of Parrot Cichlids and Convict Cichlids. Compatibility: These fish do best in a species only tank, but can do well with similar cichlid species that are not too aggressive. Click here to read more about compatible groups of pet fish.
Can convicts cross breed?
Yes, they are the same species, just a different coloration. When you cross a pink with a striped, the fry will be 100% striped, unless the striped fish has pink background. If you cross two fry together, I believe the odds are 25% pink out of the batch.
What fish can breed with convicts?
How big do convict cichlids get?
How Big Do Convict Cichlids Get? You can expect them to normally grow between 3 and 4 inches long but larger males may grow up to 6 inches. This is one of the few fish species where the males are larger than the females.
Will blood parrots eat other fish?
Blood parrots are easygoing, shy cichlids, but they stick up for themselves against other fish. However, their oddly shaped mouths don’t allow them to inflict any real damage to fish of equal or greater size.
How many blood parrot fish should you keep together?
A Blood Parrot Cichlid needs at least a 30 gallon tank – this will be enough for one fish. Every additional fish needs at least 10 gallons to ensure that they all have plenty of space. The more space you can provide the better.
How long does it take for blood parrot fish to grow?
Adult fish can grow to a length of 8 inches (20 centimeters) and reach an age of 10 to 15 years.
How long can parrot fish go without food?
Most healthy fish can go 7-10 days without being fed and suffer no ill consequences, unless, perhaps, they are very tiny species, in which case I don’t think I’d want to let it go past one week. Fry can’t usually go more than a day, if that long, when they’re very young.
Why is my blood parrot fish hiding?
If a fish has been recently added to the tank, the most likely cause of hiding is that it is simply feeling nervous about its new surroundings. This is particularly true of non-schooling species that often like to claim a specific territory that they can call home.
Why is my blood red parrot turning white?
Parrot Cichlids can turn pale as a ghost in a very short time. Why do they lose their color? Unfortunately this isn’t one of those questions with a simple answer. Sometimes it is an indication that they are ill, but it is just as likely to happen when they are spawning, frightened, feeling shy or even depressed!
Why did my cichlid turn white?
When their skin is deprived of light or they have less exposure, this impacts on their skin. Over time, they can lose their colour and turn white.
Why is my cichlid losing color?
Many fish, cichlids included, often display color changes and color fading. These may be short term as induced by environmental stressors, mating, and other stimuli. Sex ratios, species mix, aggression, and other such variables do affect cichlid colors.
Do blood parrots change color?
Many people find that their blood parrots change colors as they get older. The orange color may change from a solid color to a blotchy pattern or it may lighten or darken substantially. Both of these species can and do change colors substantially as they mature.
Are blood parrot fish smart?
Like most cichlids, they are also very intelligent and curious fish. They’ll come to the side of the tank and soon learn to recognize their owners (or at least whoever feeds them). They will also interact with other fish in the tank, and each other, and can display interesting behavior.
Do parrot fish lose their color?
True blood parrot fish have a permanently open “upside down triangle” shaped mouth. When they are 2-3 inches, they are dark browns, black-striped and even have a few spots. Then, as they age and grow, they lose this color and become orange. The dye used to color the fish typically only lasts approximately 6-9 months.
Why do parrot fish turn black?
Parrot fish typically develop black patches due to environmental factors, including elevated ammonia, stress, and injuries. These will cause black marks to develop on the parrot fish’s tail, scales, and fins. This is in contrast to black spots, which are usually associated with a parasitic infection.