
Can ROTC cadets go to basic training?

Can ROTC cadets go to basic training?

All personal go to basic training. The ROTC cadets that get accepted to the Officers Canadate Schools do not go to the basic boot camp. It is a watered-down version of basic training that is only four weeks long. All cadets who will attend the ROTC Advanced Course during the summer after their junior year.

How do you become a ROTC cadet?

Application Requirements:

  1. You must be a US citizen between the ages of 17 and 26.
  2. Minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.50.
  3. Receive a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test.
  4. Minimum of 920 on the SAT or 19 on the ACT.
  5. Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test.

How long is ROTC training?

The four-year Army ROTC program is divided into two parts: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course. The Basic Course is generally taken during the first two years of college and incurs no military obligation unless you receive National Guard or scholarship funds.

How much do you get paid for ROTC basic camp?

Cadets must be contracted in order to attend and the course is required in order to obtain a commission after graduation. Cadets are paid at a rate of about $1,100 for the month. Over the course of the 30 days, cadets will receive numerous classes and briefs that discuss typical Army life.

How long is ROTC basic camp?


How long is basic training?

about ten weeks

Do you get days off in basic training?

Everyone in the military earns 2.5 days of leave (vacation time) for every month of active duty service. That doesn’t mean you get to use your vacation any time you want.

How much money will I make in basic training?

According to Military-Ranks.org, the average total income for an Airman Basic, including the usual additional pay benefits, is $38,636. Unfortunately, you must continue paying your regular bills while in basic training.

What branch gets paid the most?

They include:

  • Army.
  • Air Force.
  • Navy.
  • Marine Corps.
  • Coast Guard.
  • E-1: $1732 per month.
  • E-2: $1,942 per month.
  • E-3: $2,043-$2,302 per month.

How many hours of sleep do you get at basic training?

Most soldiers reported a reduction in sleep duration and quality since entering BCT, citing that they were used to sleeping an average of 8 to 9 hours at home, but averaged 5 to 6 hours per night in BCT.

What do you wear to bed in basic training?

You get to “dress down” during evening routine (the hour before taps) in which they allow you to take off your NWU’s. You can either stay in just your shorts or you can put on some sweats and a pullover hoodie over them. That’s what you sleep in.

Do guys shower together in basic training?

The shower is one large room, with several shower-heads. Everyone showers together. Don’t let this worry you, however. Most recruits worry about this before basic training, but they typically realize it’s not a big deal before long.

Is it okay to cry at basic training?

Unless you have been unbelievably coddled your entire life, basic training shouldn’t make you cry.

Can I bring my phone to basic training?

There are no cell phones allowed in Basic Training. This is a consistent rule for all of the military branches: Do not expect your service member to be able to call you, text you, or receive your messages when they are in Basic Training. The Marine Corps does not allow any cell phone access until after graduation.

Do you wash your own clothes in basic training?

No, the recruits don’t have to wash their only set of clothing every day. They DO get their clothing washed, and their bodies, because NOTHING in the world smells worse than 30 or more basic trainees. Yes, the recruits have multiple sets of clothes. Their instructors tell them daily what the uniform of the day will be.

Do you get paid in basic training?

In order to get paid, the military has to establish your military pay records, and that won’t happen until you in-process during the first few days of basic training. If you arrive at basic training before the 10th of the month, you’ll get paid on the 15th.

What do you do on Sundays in basic training?

So weekends you mostly spend your weekends either training on Saturdays or Sundays you either go to a religious service or you clean. And that is all you do on Sunday.

Is basic training 7 days a week?

Yes it is 7 days a week. There are no days ‘off’ at basic. There will be at least one instructor overseeing you even on weekends. You’ll have something to do from reveille to lights out every single day.

How much free time do you get in basic training?

You’re then usually granted about one hour of free time to read your mail. If you read fast, you may even have a few extra minutes towrite a quick letter back.

How many uniforms do you get at basic training?

How many sets of uniforms do I receive? In basic training, you will receive your initial sets of uniforms. Depending on the branch, service members typically receive three to four sets of camouflage uniforms and at least one set of all other uniforms.

Do you wear your rank in basic training?

Certain categories of enlistment entitle the recruit to enlist at a pay grade higher than E-1, effective the first day of active duty. However, while individuals are paid at the rate of the advanced grade, they do not wear the rank (or rating, if in the Navy) until basic training graduation.

Can I wear my army uniform off duty?

You do not have to wear your uniform when off duty, unless you are in certain training environments. You should not wear your uniform when you are off duty, except for transportation home. Some military assignments have strict rules against wearing a uniform while off duty, especially when stationed overseas.

Can veterans wear their uniforms?

Uniform Rules for Veterans and Retirees For non-formal events, veterans are allowed to wear other working uniforms as deemed appropriate for the occasion. All veterans and retired members will conform with the same standards of appearance, military customs, practices, and conduct in uniform prescribed for active-duty.

Can I use my VA ID to get on base?

A Department of Defense (DoD) Identification Card is used to show your military status and to get access to services at military bases. You may also use this card to get discounts offered to Veterans at many stores, businesses, and restaurants.

Can you still wear your military uniform after discharge?

Wearing of the Army Combat Uniform is not permitted. Former Soldiers who are discharged honorably or under honorable conditions from the Army (even if it’s not during wartime service) may wear their uniform while going from the place of discharge to their home of record, within three months after discharge.

Can a veteran salute when not in uniform?

Veterans and Saluting Out of Uniform A provision of the 2009 Defense Authorization Act changed federal law to allow U.S. veterans and military personnel not in uniform to render the military hand-salute when the national anthem is played.

Who gets a 21 gun salute funeral?

Today, the U.S. military fires a 21-gun salute in honor of a national flag, the sovereign or chief of state of a foreign nation, a member of a reigning royal family, and the president, ex-presidents and president-elect of the United States.

Is it disrespectful for a civilian to salute a soldier?

Civilians should not salute the American Flag with a military salute. The military salute is considered a privilege earned by those who have served in the Armed Forces and is reserved for official protocols. Civilians should follow specific etiquette during the National Anthem.

Can you salute without headgear?

Armed Forces personnel only salute when wearing regimental headdress. Head and eyes should both be directed towards the person at who the salute is directed. If someone is saluted and are not wearing headdress, they must come to attention instead of returning salute.

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