Can soldiers have cell phones while deployed?

Can soldiers have cell phones while deployed?

Soldiers deploying overseas with the 82nd Airborne Division will not be allowed to bring personal cellphones or any electronic devices that could reveal their locations due to what the Army calls “operational security,” according to division spokesperson Lt

Is Bagram air base still open?

Bagram Airfield is staffed by the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing of the US Air Force, along with rotating units of the US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corps, and US Coast Guard

Camp Vance
Owner Afghanistan
Operator United States Army
Controlled by United States Special Forces
Open to the public Not open to public

Can soldiers have cell phones in Afghanistan?

A soldier is usually allowed free 15-minute “morale calls” to call family back home In addition, soldiers may also be allowed to use a personal GSM cell phone or satellite phone to call back home

Is Camp Leatherneck still active?

Camp Leatherneck was a acre United States Marine Corps base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan

Camp Leatherneck
Operator Afghan Ministry of Defense United States Armed Forces
Site history
Built 2008
In use 2008 – present

What is the safest place in Afghanistan?


Can you drink alcohol in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is one of 16 countries in the world where the drinking of alcoholic beverages at any age is illegal for most of its citizens Violation of the law by locals is subject to punishment in accordance with the Sharia law Drinkers can be fined, imprisoned or prescribed 60 lashes with whip

Is Afghanistan safe 2020?

Afghanistan is not a safe environment for travel The security situation is extremely volatile and unpredictable Attempting any travel, including adventure or recreational, in this hazardous security environment places you and others at grave risk of abduction, injury or death

Why is Afghanistan dangerous?

Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests,

Why is Afghanistan so hard to conquer?

The most important reason no one can conquer Afghanistan is because any invader has to completely subdue the population The whole population And these people are as diverse as it gets Pashtun, Turkmen, Baloch, Palaw, Tajik, and Uzbek are jut a few of the ethnic groups in the country

Why Afghanistan is important?

As a landlocked country neighboring China, Pakistan, Iran and Central Asian countries, Afghanistan has significant geostrategic and geopolitical importance The country is rich in natural resources, gas, minerals and oil (worth more than a trillion US dollars according to some estimates)

Is UK still in Afghanistan?

The UK military has been in Afghanistan since 2001, with more than 450 British troops dying during the conflict with the Taliban and fighters from al-Qaeda The last UK combat troops left in 2014, but about 750 remain as part of the Nato mission to train Afghan forces

Is the Navy in Afghanistan?

Bagram Air Base in Parvan Province, Afghanistan Occupying forces include the US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Coalition Forces and civilians complete the constitution of the base

Can you choose where to be stationed in the Army?

And her question is; “Can you pick where you are stationed at during boot camp?” And the answer is no Before you get to boot camp while at reception you get to choose one place in the United States where you want to be stationed and you also get to choose a three places overseas where you want to be stationed

Why are the British in Afghanistan?

Invasion Following the September 11 terrorist attacks in America, Britain deployed to Afghanistan with the US and other allies to destroy al-Qaeda, and the Taleban that had backed them

Does Australia still have troops in Afghanistan?

Australia in Afghanistan Currently, Australia’s largest international military commitment comprises approximatelyonnel deployed to Afghanistan as part of Operation Slipper This is Australia’s contribution to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

What weapons were used in the Afghanistan war?


  • BROWNING 9-MM PISTOL The Browning 9-mm pistol is carried by officers and soldiers who require a sidearm that can be rapidly drawn and fired, even in confined spaces
  • 870 SHOTGUN
  • 60-MM MORTAR (M19)
  • ERYX

What started the war in Afghanistan?

Afghan War, in the history of Afghanistan, the internal conflict that began in 1978 between anticommunist Islamic guerrillas and the Afghan communist government (aided in by Soviet troops), leading to the overthrow of the government in 1992

Is Canada still fighting in Afghanistan?

Canada’s combat role in the country ended in 2011 when the focus shifted to training Afghanistan’s army and police force and the last of our service members left the country in March 2014

Where is the war in Afghanistan?


How much does the war in Afghanistan cost?

According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $24 trillion by 2017 including interest

Why was Afghanistan invaded?

What forces did the US send? The US invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to oust the Taliban, whom they said were harbouring Osama Bin Laden and other al-Qaeda figures linked to the 9/11 attacks

What challenges does NATO face in its war in Afghanistan?

For ISAF, it currently faces all of these challenges in Afghanistan: there is an acute security threat from the Taliban insurgency, a challenge of reconstructing the weak Afghan economy and it needs to be able to secure a stable and transparent government

Who is in charge Afghanistan?

The nation is currently led by President Ashraf Ghani who is backed by two vice presidents, Amrullah Saleh and Sarwar Danish In the last decade the politics of Afghanistan have been influenced by NATO countries, particularly the United States, in an effort to stabilise and democratise the country

Is NATO going to stay in Afghanistan?

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance had not made a final decision regarding troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, a deadline that is By May 2021, all foreign forces would leave Afghanistan, according to a deal made with the Taliban

Is NATO still in Afghanistan?

The United States ended combat operations in Afghanistan in December 2014 Sizable advisory forces would remain to train and mentor Afghan National Security Forces, and NATO will continue operating under the Resolute Support Mission

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