Can Tetra live with barbs?

Can Tetra live with barbs?

They enjoy planted aquariums and enjoy all types of fish foods like brine shrimp, algae, bloodworms, flakes, pellets, etc. Tetras are compatible with fish that aren’t too large and won’t mistake them for food. As for their compatibility with Tiger Barbs, you should watch out for fin-nipping.

What kills Tetra fish?

Why Are My Neon Tetras Dying?

  • New Tank Syndrome. Heavy concentrations of ammonium and nitrates in the water can be fatal.
  • Rapid Water Changes.
  • Poor Water Conditions.
  • Stress.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Temperature Changes.
  • Unexpected Toxins.
  • Symptoms of Neon Tetra Disease.

Do rosy barbs eat neon tetras?

I’ve seen rosy barbs doing quite well with tetras as long as they’re in their own school of 7 or more. So yeah, mixing them should be alright. And our FL members don’t really recommend keeping an undergravel filter as it can create loads of trouble and headache.

What fish can go with golden barbs?

Appropriate Tank Mates Gold barbs mix well with cherry barbs, green Chinese barbs, smaller danios, and small to medium-sized tetras. Gold barbs may still nip at flowing fins, so be careful if mixing them with bettas, sailfin mollies, angelfish, or other large-finned fish.

How long do golden Barbs live?

around four to six years

Can Golden Barbs live with goldfish?

☑ They have a fantastic golden color that will brighten up any aquarium. Cons of keeping Gold Barbs with goldfish: This is usually less of a problem with Gold Barbs than with some other types (such as Tiger Barbs), but it is still a risk. ✖ You will need room for at least 5 Gold Barbs, as well as your goldfish.

Why are my fish nipping at each other?

Probably the most common reason is the fish is sick. Even peaceful community fish will often nip at their sick comrades. If this happens the fish will need to be isolated and medicated. A fish got put in the wrong tank.

Why are my Tetras chasing each other?

Tetras chase each other for showing dominance, mating, lack of space due to overcrowding or small tank, defining territory, or eating food. Adding hiding spots, tank dividers, decorations to define territory, and supply of adequate food are some of the ways to stop tetras from chasing each other.

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