Can we use both of them?

Can we use both of them?

“Both” implies “Both of them.” They are interchangeable in English among native speakers. They can be interchangeable but it may depend on the context. Q: Do you want David or John to join us? A: Both of them.

How do you use both correctly?

When we use both as part of a subject or object which is a pronoun, it may be followed by of + an object pronoun:

  1. We both dislike soap operas. ( subject pronoun + both) or Both of us dislike soap operas. (
  2. She looked at both of us.
  3. He shouted at both of them.
  4. That’ll be so nice for both of you.

How do you use both and both?

  1. She has eaten both / both of the burgers.
  2. Both / Both of my parents are teachers.
  3. Both / Both of these colors are beautiful.
  4. We have invited both of them.
  5. Both of us can swim.
  6. She has invited us both / both of us.
  7. Both / Both of my children want to be singers.
  8. Both / both of the children have gone to bed.

When to use both and all?

The word both is used when there are two things or two people being discussed while “all” relates to a group of three or more. So for two people you would say: Both of us went out to lunch together. For three or more people: All of us went out to lunch together.

Is it correct to say love you both?

I love you both is the grammatical correct phrase. It is not repetitive unlike saying I love you both of you. I love you both sounds better, the first sounds like a something scripted with bad grammar.

Is it right to say lots of love?

We usually use the plural when wishing someone lots of love. But, for some reason, we don’t usually say “I’m wishing you a lot of love” or “surrounded by a lot of love.” Both of those are grammatically correct, but we just don’t say it that way.

What is the reply of lots of love?

That would depend on if you loved him or not. If you don’t love him and just like him a lot, don’t say anything, If you love him the answer should be “I love you too”.

What can we say instead of lots of love?

Synonyms for Lots of love

  • with love. adv. & int.
  • with loving regards. adv.
  • best wishes. int.
  • lot of love. n.
  • much love. n.
  • great love. n.
  • so much love.
  • with great affection. adv.

How do you say so much love?

Synonyms for Much love

  1. lots of love. n.
  2. lot of love.
  3. great love.
  4. eternally yours.
  5. big love.
  6. plenty of love.
  7. so much love.
  8. all my love.

How do I win her heart?

Here are 10 ways to win a girl’s heart:

  1. Be pursuant. Pursue her without the pressure.
  2. Be a gentleman. Girls don’t want to be treated like a queen, but they do want to be treated like a princess.
  3. Be complimentary.
  4. Be creative.
  5. Be intentional.
  6. Speak well of her in front of other people.
  7. Be attentive.
  8. Be protective.

How do you know if a girl loves you through chatting?

How to tell if a girl likes you over text: 24 surprising signs

  1. She starts texting you first.
  2. She is texting you A LOT.
  3. She is giving you frequent updates of what she is doing.
  4. She replies immediately.
  5. She makes an effort with her replies.
  6. She notices when you haven’t texted her lately.
  7. She’s sending you flirty and sexy messages.
  8. She can’t help but use cute and sexy emojis.

How do you know if a girl is serious about you?

How to Know if a Girl Is Serious About You

  • She responds quickly to your messages.
  • She remembers the little details.
  • She starts deep conversations with you.
  • She encourages and supports you.
  • She likes sharing personal space.
  • She shows you physical intimacy.
  • She says “we” instead of “I.”

How do you tell if a girl is scared of a relationship?

Ways To Know That She Is Shying Away From Commitment

  1. Thanking You For Understanding.
  2. Often Apologizing From Little Things.
  3. Scared Of Articulating Her Love.
  4. Wanting To Have Your Attention.
  5. Gets Jealous Secretly.
  6. When You Ask Her To Be In A Relationship With You, She Ignores The Proposition.

How do you know if she cares?

But there are many signs she cares about you.

  • She tries to be honest with you.
  • She looks for an opportunity to talk with you.
  • Her speech is changing.
  • She seeks how to make you laugh.
  • She can tell something hidden.
  • She becomes jealous.
  • She becomes more caring.
  • She constantly calls you.

How do you know if a girl is using you emotionally?

11 Signs She’s Using You Emotionally & Just Playing with Your…

  • The 11 must-know signs she’s using you emotionally.
  • #1 You feel something slightly off.
  • #2 She doesn’t commit to any long-term plans.
  • #3 She likes the good things in life.
  • #4 You conversations are skin deep.
  • #5 She’s slow to reply to you.
  • #6 She doesn’t remember the little details.
  • #7 You don’t feel safe.

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