Can you be president for 3 terms?
The amendment was passed by Congress in 1947, and was ratified by the states on 27 February 1951. The Twenty-Second Amendment says a person can only be elected to be president two times for a total of eight years. It does make it possible for a person to serve up to ten years as president.
Does the President Elect get Secret Service?
By law, the Secret Service is authorized to protect: The president, the vice president, (or other individuals next in order of succession to the Office of the President), the president-elect and vice president-elect. The immediate families of the above individuals. Children of former presidents until age 16.
Are tattoos allowed in the FBI?
The FBI does have strict rules on physical appearance, especially during training, but they don’t specifically ban all tattoos.
Can you have colored hair in the FBI?
ยป Hair must be of reasonable length without faddish or exaggerated style or color. Men’s hair must not be longer than the bottom of the collar, without adornment such as buns, ponytails or braids.
Can a FBI agent drink alcohol?
FBI special agents do not generally consume alcoholic beverages when on duty. An agent working in an undercover role might do so, but that would be an unusual event.
Can you join the FBI?
To qualify, an applicant must: Be a U.S. citizen. Be at least 23 years of age but younger than 37 at the time of hiring [exceptions include: federal law enforcement officers (1811s) and veterans’ preference-eligible veterans], Have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
Do FBI agents have to shave?
Most law enforcement agencies require those employees who engage with the public to be presentable, and to maintain a professional, businesslike appearance. That usually means relatively short hair for men, and if facial hair is allowed at all, it has to be kept very neatly trimmed.
Do FBI agents travel a lot?
Some positions with the FBI require frequent trips while others have limited travel or even none at all. In high-security divisions, such as Counterterrorism or Intelligence, agents can be required to travel frequently, and whenever the agency deems necessary.
Does an FBI agent watch me?
Absolutely. There is an FBI agent assigned to watch through the camera of each of the 400 million cell phones in use in the US. These agents enter FBI headquarters through a special agent shrinking doorway so they can all fit in Quantico. Originally Answered: Does the FBI really look in on our phones?
Can the FBI watch your phone?
In the United States the government pays phone companies directly to record and collect cellular communications from specified individuals. U.S. law enforcement agencies can also legally track the movements of people from their mobile phone signals upon obtaining a court order to do so.