
Can you break your ankle by hitting it on something?

Can you break your ankle by hitting it on something?

The takeaway. A broken or fractured ankle occurs when one or more bones in your ankle break. These bones include the tibia, fibula, and talus. Usually, ankle breaks are caused by falls, high-impact sports, car accidents, or injuries that place excessive force on the ankle.

What is the easiest bone to break in your foot?

The fifth metatarsal bone is the most common metatarsal bone to be fractured in sudden (acute) injury to the foot. It may be broken at various points along its length, depending on the mechanism of injury. The other metatarsal bones can also be broken.

How do you know if ankle is broken?

It’s most likely a broken ankle if

  1. You have severe pain or pain that gets worse over time.
  2. You can’t put any weight on the injured ankle.
  3. You have trouble moving the injured ankle.
  4. If you heard a popping noise at the time of the injury.
  5. If you notice your ankle looks deformed or not aligned properly with your leg.

Can you move your toes if your ankle is broken?

Most believe that if they can wiggle their toes or move the ankle around that an ankle fracture has not occurred. The reason this is not true is because the nerves and muscles that allow the movement of the ankle have not been affected by the fracture.

How painful is a broken ankle?

The most common symptoms of an ankle fracture are pain and swelling, either of which may be present only in the ankle region itself or spread to parts of the foot or up toward the knee. Any pain will usually be more intense if the injured person tries to put weight on the ankle.

Does a fractured ankle need a cast?

Brief Overview of Treatments for an Ankle Fracture If the broken bones are not out of place and the ankle is stable, the injury can usually be treated without surgery. These treatment options include: walking boot, cast or removable brace and the use of crutches or a knee roller/scooter.

Why does my broken ankle hurt more at night?

Bone stress injuries occur because of an unfamiliar increase in physical activity and is related to overuse, under recovery and several considerations that result in the bone not being able to keep up with the required adaptations. A fracture can result and this will cause pain at night time.

How do you sleep with a broken ankle?

Invest in a specialized pillow, like a body pillow, for elevation—keeping the broken bone above your heart prevents blood from pooling and causing swelling. Try sleeping on your back first while propped up on a few pillows. If that doesn’t work, slowly adjust yourself to a side position if possible.

How do you shower with a broken ankle?

How to Shower With A Broken Ankle

  1. Recruit Help. Whenever there’s someone around to help you out, make sure they’re standing by your side when you’re getting in and out of the shower/tub.
  2. Try to Take Baths As Often As Possible.
  3. Shower with Confidence.
  4. Clean Your Boot/Cast.

What is the best pain relief for a broken ankle?

Medications. To reduce pain and inflammation, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or a combination of the two. If you’re experiencing severe pain, your doctor might prescribe stronger pain medications.

How long will my ankle be swollen after fracture?

The foot and ankle become swollen, painful and can no longer hold any weight. It takes several days or weeks for the swelling to go down completely, and can take months for the ankle joint to fully recover from the fracture.

Why is my ankle still swollen after 5 months?

Swelling. It’s normal for a sprained ankle to swell, sometimes for four to six weeks, or longer. But swelling that persists for more than three months may be a sign of trouble.

What is the fastest way to heal a broken ankle?

Ankle Fracture Treatment Self-Care at Home

  1. Stay off the injured ankle so you do not injure it further.
  2. Keep the ankle elevated to help decrease swelling and pain.
  3. Apply cold packs to the injured area to decrease swelling and pain. Do not apply ice directly. Cold packs are effective for up to 48 hours.

When will my broken ankle stop hurting?

However, some people may continue to experience pain long after the fracture and soft tissues have healed. Full healing from a fracture can take anywhere from several weeks to several months and occasionally even several years.

Can you walk on a broken ankle after 4 weeks?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows but we advise you walk with crutches for the first 4 weeks. You can return to driving once your boot has been removed and you feel confident in safely controlling your vehicle.

How long after a broken ankle can I walk?

It takes around 6- 10 weeks to recover from a broken ankle. During this time, you will probably need to wear a cast or boot. Most people are able to walk normally again and resume their everyday activities by around three months – endurance improves over time and as your strength improves.

Can you feel plates and screws in ankle?

In some cases, you may be able to feel a plate or screw if there is very little muscle or soft tissue covering them — for instance, along the outside of your ankle or the top of your hand.

How long do you have to do physical therapy for a broken ankle?

In general, physical therapy for a broken ankle lasts about 6 to 8 weeks. Your personal experience with PT may be shorter or longer depending on your specific injury. Continuing your home exercise program is a component of your rehabilitation.

What happens if a broken ankle is not treated?

“If not treated properly, subtle ankle fractures can lead to long-term disabilities.” Three bones are most at-risk: The talus is the actual “ankle bone.” Fractures to this bone may be difficult to diagnosis, because often there are no outward symptoms other than what appears to be a sprain.

Is a broken ankle worse than a sprain?

A broken ankle is a more severe injury than a sprained ankle. With a clean break that doesn’t need surgery, recovery can take around 6 to 8 weeks. If you need surgery, recovery will take longer. With a minor ankle sprain, it may take around 2 weeks to heal.

Can you walk on a hairline fracture ankle?

Although one can walk on a foot with a stress fracture, these tiny hairline breaks should not be ignored as they can return unless properly treated.

Can a broken ankle heal without surgery?

If the fracture is not out place and the ankle is stable, it can be treated without surgery. Treatment may be with a short leg cast or a removable brace. Patients are typically advised not to put any weight on the ankle for 6 weeks.

How do you survive a broken ankle?

Tips for Surviving a Broken Ankle

  1. Ask someone to get you fuzzy crutch covers IMMEDIATELY.
  2. Learn how to actually use your crutches.
  3. Get yourself a knee scooter post haste.
  4. Practice patience.
  5. Don’t get over confident, there, buddy.
  6. Learn to ask for help.
  7. Learn to receive help graciously.
  8. Find and revel in small moments of independence.

What does a hairline ankle fracture feel like?

What are the symptoms of a hairline fracture? The most common symptom of a hairline fracture is pain. This pain can gradually get worse over time, especially if you don’t stop weight-bearing activity. Pain is usually worse during activity and lessens during rest.

Is a hairline fracture worse than a break?

A fracture and a break are actually one and the same. “There’s no difference between these two things,” he says. “A fracture means the cracking or breaking of a hard object. One is not worse than the other when it comes to breaking bones.”

What happens if a hairline fracture is untreated?

Ignoring a hairline fracture can lead to a more serious fracture or break occurring, which is more difficult to treat. If not treated or ignored, the hairline may not heal, resulting in a non-union fracture.

Are bones stronger after a break?

While healing, a cuff or callous of extra-strong new bone forms around the fracture to protect it. So, it is true that a few weeks into healing process, the bone at the break is stronger than a normal bone.

Can you have a fracture and not know it?

Believe it or not, sometimes people can break bones and not realize it. Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen says some bones are more prone to fractures. Swelling, trouble moving a joint, or lingering pain after a few days can all be indications of a bone fracture.

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