Can you cite Wikipedia in APA?

Can you cite Wikipedia in APA?

Generally speaking, no. In fact, if you’re writing a paper as a class assignment, your teacher may specifically prohibit citing Wikipedia. Don’t quote or paraphrase from the Wikipedia entry in your paper, but check the entry’s Reference section to find links to more authoritative sources.

How do you cite Wikipedia in-text MLA?

In-text citing Wikipedia articles is actually rather easy – you just need to put the name of the article in quotation marks, followed by the date when the article was published or “n.d.” in case you don’t know the publishing date. Then you need to put the whole construction into parenthesis.

How do I fix my works cited page in Word?

It’s easier done than said (works for Word on PC or MAC):

  1. Place your cursor at the beginning of your citation, and highlight it.
  2. Right click your mouse.
  3. Select Paragraph from the resulting pop up menu.
  4. Under Indentation, use the Special pull-down menu to select hanging.
  5. Use the By menu to select 0.5″

What words are ignored when you are arranging a works cited?

MLA Notes

Question Answer
How is a Works Cited arranged? Alphabetically by first word of citation
Is a Works Cited ever numbered? No
What words are ignored when you are arranging a Works Cited? A, An, The
How are authors names listed in a Works Cited? Last name, First name

Does the work cited page have to be in alphabetical order?

Start on a new page and title your list Works Cited. Then list in alphabetical order all the sources that you have cited in the paper. Unless your instructor asks for them, sources not actually cited in the paper should not be given in this list, even if you have read them.

Do numbers go at the end of works cited?

Numbers do not go first or last in an MLA works cited. Instead, list numbers as though they were spelled out.

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