Can you eat avocado on HCG phase 2?

Can you eat avocado on HCG phase 2?

Eat lots of high fat food (not processed). This is very important to jump-start the metabolism. Eat all day. Examples- full fat dairy, avocados, eggs, nuts, meats.

What vegetables are allowed on the HCG diet?

Vegetable choices include spinach, chard, chicory, beet greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, and cabbage. Bread can be one breadstick or one piece of melba toast.

Can you eat cottage cheese on HCG diet phase 2?

Dairy should ideally be avoided in Phase 2, with the exception of skim cottage cheese permitted as a protein serving. Vegetables are an important part of the HCG Diet, and particularly in Phase 2.

Can I eat pickles on hCG phase 2?

Pickles can satisfy salty cravings. Both cucumbers and vinegar are on the approved list of foods for the diet, so this snack can help you get the crunch and sweet and salty flavors you desire. Be sure to purchase pickles with limited salt and sugar, however.

Can I eat tuna on hCG phase 2?

canned albacore tuna* (*We have found through working with thousands of clients that canned tuna packed in water is okay for Phase 2 of the HCG Diet. Salmon, eel, tuna packed in oil, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed.

Can I eat eggs on HCG phase 2?

Recommended protein sources include white fish, lobster, crab, shrimp, extra lean beef, buffalo, scallops, chicken and egg whites, according to Fattier choices, such as salmon, tuna, herring and dried or pickled fish, are off-limits.

How long is Phase 2 of the HCG diet?

During the second phase, you follow an ultra-low-calorie diet of only 500 calories per day, along with HCG supplement drops, pellets, injections, or sprays. The weight loss phase is prescribed for 3–6 weeks at a time.

How can I maximize my weight loss on HCG?

You will begin eating all meats, fruits, milk, dairy products low in sugar, eggs, cheeses and vegetables. Avoid foods with a lot of starch like potatoes and corn. If you combine too much starch with your food, you will gain weight because your new weight has not had enough time to stabilize.

Can you lose weight in HCG Phase 3?

Phase III: The Maintenance Phase During this three-week phase, you stop taking HCG and increase your food intake gradually. You should not consume starches or sugars during this period. However, you may lose a little weight as you increase your daily food intake slowly.

How many days should I load on HCG?

It takes approximately two to three days for HCG to integrate into your system. At the start of the loading phase, you will be introducing HCG to your body. By the time you start the low calorie diet phase, HCG should be triggering the release of enough hormones to let go of and burn abnormal and excess fat tissue.

How long does it take for hCG to work for weight loss?

This extreme diet combines a very, very low caloric intake – typically 500 calories per day – with a daily hormonal injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Many proponents claim that following the diet can result in an average weight loss of up to 1-2 lbs per day for up to 3 to 6 weeks.

When is the best time to take hCG?

Many companies recommend that you take your pregnancy test in the morning because first-morning urine typically contains the highest concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the pregnancy hormone. The good news is that hCG nearly doubles about every 2 days in early pregnancy.

Can you test positive in the morning and negative at night?

To get an accurate result, most experts recommend taking a pregnancy test in the morning. Why? While you’re sleeping, hCG becomes more concentrated in your urine. Unless you wake up in the middle of the night to pee, first thing in the morning is the best time for early detection of pregnancy.

Does hCG increase size?

The mean penile length also increased significantly after hCG treatment. The flaccid and stretched length after hCG treatment increased from 3.39±1.03 cm to 5.14±1.39 cm and from 5.41±1.43 cm to 7.45±1.70 cm, respectively (p<0.001) (Table 2).

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