Can you grow African violets in a greenhouse?

Can you grow African violets in a greenhouse?

An African violet can be grown in a 5-inch or 6-inch pot but be aware that they take up a lot of valuable greenhouse space. To develop a high quality plant and use greenhouse space efficiently, transplant plug-grown plantlets into 4-inch pots and grow them for 8 weeks.

What temperature do African violets grow in?

Keep warm. African violets prefer the same temperatures most people find comfortable: between 70-80°F during the day, and around 65–70°F at night.

Where should African violets be placed?

Place African violets in a location that receives bright, indirect light. A site near an east or north window is often a good location. (Do not place African violets in direct sun.) If a suitable window isn’t available, place African violets under a fluorescent light fixture containing two 40-watt fluorescent tubes.

Can African violets live in water?

If you’re wondering, “Can I propagate an African violet in water?”—the answer is YES! In fact, it’s quite simple. Fill a wide-mouthed container with lukewarm water.

Do African violets like to be outside in the summer?

African violets do best in daytime temperatures between 70-90ºF and nighttime temperatures between 65-70ºF. They won’t tolerate extended periods outside of these ranges, which makes them better suited for the pleasant temperatures inside your home. Your African violet also needs protection from the sun’s rays.

How big do African violets get?

8-16 inches

Do African violets have deep roots?

Contrary to what you might have heard, African violets do not like to be root bound. Roots of African violets grow out from the center more than they grow down. If you plant your violet in a pot that is as deep as it is wide, the roots will fill the diameter but will not get down to the lower part of the potting soil.

Do African violets get bugs?

Mealybugs: Several kinds of mealybugs are pests on African violets. They include the citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri) and the Comstock mealybug (Pseudococcus comstocki). Mealybugs are about ¼ inch in length. They have soft bodies and are covered with a white waxy material that makes them look cottony.

What do mealy bugs look like on African violets?

Leaf Mealy Bugs are coated with a white, powdery, wax-like substance which makes them look like specks of cotton clinging to your African Violet. These specks of “cotton” will be visible on the undersides of leaves, in the leaf axils and in or near the crown of the plant.

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