Can you subscribe to Seventeen magazine?

Can you subscribe to Seventeen magazine?

Magazine Description: Bring the pages of Seventeen magazine to life! Get a super-discounted year-long subscription now—not only will you find tons of amazing style ideas, insider beauty tricks, juicy guy confessions, and dramatic real-life stories, but you’ll also get endless extras—available only for iPad readers!

How do I submit to 17 magazine?

Seventeen Submission Guidelines

  1. Phone: (917) 934-6500.
  2. Market Type: Magazine.
  3. Contact: See website for appropriate editorial contact.
  4. Accepts: Beauty, entertainment, fashion, fitness, health.
  5. Web Address:

How often is Seventeen magazine published?

Hearst’s monthly teen publication Seventeen has slashed its frequency to six times a year from 10, WWD has learned.

How much is a subscription to Seventeen magazine?

Seventeen – Magazine Subscription from MagazineLine (Save 67%): Magazineline: Books.

Is 17 magazine still published?

Its subscription page on its website states that “Seventeen magazine will no longer be published regularly after the December 2018/January 2019 issue.” And while the website will continue to cover all of the same content, all upcoming special issues will be available on newsstands only.

What age is Seventeen magazine appropriate for?

Seventeen is an American teen magazine. The magazine’s reader-base is 13-to-19-year-old females. It began as a publication geared toward inspiring teen girls to become model workers and citizens.

Who is Seventeen magazine target audience?

Seventeen Magazine might be directed toward all teen girls, but the key demos end up being right in the middle class of the US. It is mostly Caucasian girls in homes that earn about $70k per year that read this media resource and many of them already have jobs.

What magazines do college students read?

Listed in order of sales in college stores, the top 20 magazines are: Cosmopolitan, Glamour, People, Time, Vogue, Newsweek, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, Mademoiselle, TV Guide, Elle, Self, Bride’s, Computer Shopper, Muscle & Fitness, Vanity Fair, Shape, Playboy, and US.

What does YM magazine stand for?

Young & Modern

Is Tiger Beat magazine still published?

Tiger Beat is an American internet teen fan magazine originally published by The Laufer Company, and marketed primarily to adolescent girls. The magazine had a paper edition which was sold at stores until December 2018….Tiger Beat.

Tiger Beat magazine, first issue
Categories Teen, celebrity
ISSN 0040-7380

Is 16 magazine still published?

For at least 30 years of its publication, 16 Magazine was entirely self-supporting. Despite this, no regular or special issue of 16 Magazine was seen or published since, including online.

Where can I read old magazines?

Look for old magazine content online at Google Books and on individual magazine websites. Fnd digital, print and microfilm versions of back issues at libraries. If you’re willing to pay, you can order used back issues online.

Where can I read magazines for free?

Let’s dive in with my list of the top 11 places to read pdf magazines online free.

  • Yumpu. Website of Yumpu.
  • World Mags. WorldMags Website.
  • Storemags. Website of Storemags.
  • Magatopia. Magatopia Website.
  • Downmagaz Website.
  • Issuu. Issuu Website.
  • FreeMagSpot.
  • PDF

What happens to out of date magazines?

Unsold magazines are returned to the publisher’s distributor (in some cases only the cover), and recycled when possible. Be aware that almost all paper today is made from partially recycled materials and the original forest where the tree was cut down and sent to the mill was replanted by the paper industry.

How do I read free books online?

The 21 Best Places to Find Free Books Online

  1. Project Gutenberg.
  2. The Online Books Page.
  3. Kindle Store.
  4. Smashwords.
  5. BookBub.
  6. Robin Reads.
  7. eReader News Today.
  8. FreeBooksy.

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