Can you turn in the same paper for two different classes?

Can you turn in the same paper for two different classes?

You can still use the same references as long as you cite them because you are more than likely going to cite them again anyways. The key though, the teacher wants to see your original work. When they check for plagiarism, each paper gets scanned into a database that is cross checked across the country.

Does Turnitin compare your paper to other students?

Turnitin will match the strings of ideas in each text and compare it with other essays stored from other students. If your essay has a twin – it’ll know. The only thing it will detect is similar word structures, though. It’s still plagiarism, but Turnitin won’t find it.

Does Turnitin allow multiple submissions?

Only a single file may be submitted to a Turnitin assignment. Any second or subsequent submission will overwrite the original submission in this assignment.

Does Turnitin check other schools?

Turnitin checks your students’ assignments against a both a repository of papers submitted at other institutions and a repository of papers submitted at Yale (which are not stored in the larger Turnitin repository).

Can turnitin detect rewording?

Turnitin does not flag essays that include plagiarized ideas or concepts, nor can it detect paraphrasing that dramatically changes the wording of an original source while maintaining that source’s organization.

Can turnitin detect paraphrasing tools?

Turnitin employs algorithms that don’t detect paraphrasing. Instead, they focus on similar sentence structures, grammatical patterns and phrases. If you order a custom assignment online, all you have to do is paraphrase every sentence and you will be good to go.

Can turnitin detect videos?

Does Turnitin Check YouTube? Yes, Turnitin can detect plagiarism from a YouTube video.

Can videos be plagiarized?

Using an image, video or piece of music in a work you have produced without receiving proper permission or providing appropriate citation is plagiarism. The following activities are very common in today’s society. Despite their popularity, they still count as plagiarism.

Can turnitin detect PDF?

Turnitin will not accept PDF image files, forms, or portfolios, files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file – usually an image), documents containing multiple files or files created with software other than Adobe Acrobat®.

Does Turnitin count words in PDF?

“Turnitin uses a word counting algorithm very similar to that of Microsoft Word. For everything except HTML, PDF, and PS file types, we rely on Microsoft Word’s word count system. Note: Turnitin’s word count does not count the words in textboxes, footnotes, and endnotes since these are not included by default.

What is excluded from a word count?

Tables, diagrams (including associated legends), appendices, references, footnotes and endnotes, the bibliography and any bound published material are excluded from the word count.

Do word counts include titles?

The word count usually refers to the information provided in the body of the text. Accordingly, the title page and references may not be included, but it’s a safe assumption to include your in-text citations in your word count since the citations provide critical information within the text.

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