How did the Dutch influence New York? Their sharp-stepped gabled roofs became a permanent part of the landscape, and their merchants gave the city its characteristic commercial atmosphere. The habits bequeathed by the Dutch also gave New York a hospitality to the pleasures of everyday life quite different from the austere atmosphere of Puritan Boston. […]
How do we apply Islam in everyday life?
Which muscle raises your eyebrows for a questioning expression?
Which muscle raises your eyebrows for a questioning expression? muscles Question Answer used to pout orbicularis oris raises your eyebrows for questioning expression frontals your kisser orbicularis oris allows you to bite masseter What is used to form the vertical frown crease on the forehead? The muscle that (1) forms the vertical frown crease on […]
How is Surrealism different from other art styles?
How is Surrealism different from other art styles? Abstract art has a confusing and vague quality that allows a viewer to interpret it subjectively but can also give the viewer an uneasy feeling. Surrealist art has a dreamlike, bizarre quality, or what is now called a surreal quality, after the movement itself. What are the […]
What makes a lighter than air aircraft a dirigible?
What makes a lighter than air aircraft a dirigible? aircraft types Aircraft such as balloons, nonrigid airships (blimps), and dirigibles are designed to contain within their structure a sufficient volume that, when filled with a gas lighter than air (heated air, hydrogen, or helium), displaces the surrounding ambient air and floats, just as a corkā¦ […]
What does SG stand for Gibson?
What does SG stand for Gibson? Solid Guitar What is a Gibson SG good for? Certainly great work has been done with them. Its definitely an ICONIC guitar, with a great history that’s been associated with many famous classic rock guitarists. They look cool, with the double cutaway, they’ve got the great sounding tried and […]
How do I transfer my iTunes library to iPad?
How do I transfer my iTunes library to iPad? Transfer Music to iPad Manually Select Summary from the left sidebar of iTunes. Scroll down the right pane and select the Manually manage music and videos check box, then choose Apply at the bottom. Select Done to return to your iTunes library, and then select the […]
How much time should I allow for airport check in?
How much time should I allow for airport check in? While the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recommends that you get to the airport 2 hours prior to the departure time for a domestic flight and 3 hours before for an international flight, several factors must be taken into account when deciding your arrival time at […]
Why do flowers have seeds?
Who was Geoffrey Chaucer influenced by?
Who was Geoffrey Chaucer influenced by? Dante AlighieriGiovanni BoccaccioOvidRobert Parry How was Chaucer influenced by Dante? Chaucer was deeply influenced by another fourteenth-century poem about a very different sort of pilgrimage, Dante’s La Commedia (Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso). Dante portrays himself as a pilgrim who will be led by various guides on a vivid journey […]